A note where a Python beginner got stuck

Studying Python 2.7.


No increment, decrement operator

Increment is ʻi = i + 1`

for is the content of the list that is iteratively processed

There is no loop like for (i = 0; i <10; i ++) like in other languages

Like using while

cnt = 0
while cnt<10:
    print cnt
    cnt += 1

Make a list of the specified range with the range function and turn it with for

for i in range(10):
        print i

String relation

Concatenation of string + number will result in error

Variables are defined by the type defined first.

Numerical values are converted to strings and then concatenated

print 'abc'+str(123)

Or use format

print 'abc{0}'.format(123)

The character string is basically a byte character string. When dealing with unicode strings, you have to explicitly declare'it's a unicode string'

print len('AIUEO')
# 15
print len(u'AIUEO')
print len('AIUEO'.decode('utf-8'))
print len(unicode('AIUEO', 'utf-8'))
#All the above results are 5

Format output

Something like sprintf

'%s %d %f' % ('AIUEO', 10, 1.2345)

format function

print '{0} {1} {2}'.format('AIUEO', 10, 1.2345)

Sprintf-like guys using% can use the same flags as sprintf

print '%s %04d %.2f' % ('AIUEO', 10, 1.2345)
#Aiueo 0010 1.23

Format output of unicode string

The following code will result in an error

print '{0} {1} {2}'.format(u'String', 10, 1.5)
#UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-2: ordinal not in range(128)

The correct answer is that the format string is also a unicode string

print u'{0} {1} {2}'.format(u'String', 10, 1.5)
#String 10 1.5

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