[PYTHON] tensorflow-gpu introduction memo


, , [⑥](https://qiita.com/ yohiro / items / e9e80183e635e0ac4894), I tried to bite sklearn and svm, so I thought I'd try to bite TensorFlow this time, and its introduction memo. Fortunately, I own a GPU-equipped PC, so I'll try installing the GPU version of tensorflow.

Reference materials: [Image judgment AI application development / Part 1] Introduction to image judgment AI application development made with TensorFlow / Python / Flask

My environment

Implementation requirements

https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu?hl=ja From the official, the requirements for tensorflow are as follows cap3.png

It seems that once you have the GPU driver, you can install it with a single dictation command. So, first update the driver.

GPU driver update

First, start Device Manager, right-click the GPU that is the target of "Display Adapter" → click "Update Driver" cap3.png

If you press "Automatically search for the latest version of driver software", it will be updated automatically.

Install tensorflow-gpu

Execute the following command from the Anaconda environment

conda install tensorflow-gpu

Confirmation of installation

From the Anaconda environment


After typing

import tensorflow

Enter. Then

2020-04-15 18:35:41.872948: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:44] Successfully opened dynamic library cudart64_101.dll

Is displayed, and it seems that the installation was successful.

Where I got stuck

I was trying to install CUDA and cuDNN individually according to the teaching materials, but when I tried to install CUDA, I could not install it because of the same symptom as "Visual Studio Integration failed" as on the following page.

If the installation of "Visual Studio Integration" fails when installing CUDA on a Windows terminal

After all, it seems that the above command will automatically configure what is required for tensorflow-gpu, so CUDA and cuDNN have not been installed individually.

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