[PYTHON] Until you CI what you made with Django with Jenkins

A memo to write a test in Django, output a test report / coverage report, and output the test result to Jenkins I referred to the following article. Testing with Django


Bitbucket and Jenkins have been linked. When you push from the local environment to Bitbacket, the Jenkins build will run automatically and the test will be executed. Please refer to the following blogs for building these environments.

About the cooperation between Bitbucket's private repository and Jenkins

Build a test environment with Django

Module installation

Install django-nose and coverage with pip. I used to create a similar environment using unittest-xml-reporting, but I feel that django-nose is a lot easier.

$ pip install django-nose coverage

Settings in the test settings file

Describe the test settings in the test settings file.

# settings_test.py

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from mysite.settings import *
import os

TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
#Coverage report(html)Specify the folder to output

#Argument settings when running a test(nose argument)
    '--cover-package=app', #Specify the app name to test

#B environment settings for testing(settings.Separated from py's DB environment)
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'test.db'),

Test run

Create the test code under app (app / tests.py), specify settings_test in the configuration file as shown below, and execute the test.

$ python manage.py test app --settings=mysite.settings_test

Success if the coverage report (html) is output to mysite / cover and nosetests.xml and coverage.xml are output directly under mysite. Now you are ready to CI with Jenkins.

View test report in Jenkins

Set the output of the test report on the setting screen of the target project.

Write a command to run the test

Select Run Shell for Build and write a command to run the following test in the shell script text area. When the Jenkins build is executed, the described command is executed.

#Run virtualenv(Build an environment in any location in advance)
source /var/www/django/mysite/venv/bin/activate
#Run the test
python manage.py test app --settings=mysite.settings_test

Specifying the test report (xml file)

Enter the output xml file name for the Cobertura XML report pattern of post-build processing and the aggregation of JUnit results. This time, xml is output directly under mysite, so you can enter the file name as it is. スクリーンショット 2014-11-11 1.15.54.png

With the above settings, the test report will be displayed in Jenkins when the build is executed.

スクリーンショット 2014-11-11 1.29.31.png

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