Find the maximum value python (fixed ver)

This is a modified version of "Let's find the maximum value python" that I raised the other day. The bad points and changes of the previous code are as follows.

Bad points

-When all the elements of the list are negative, the maximum value becomes 0. ・ Processing speed is slow

change point

-Set the initial value of the maximum value candidate to an appropriate element of the list ・ Change from while statement to for statement

I tried refactoring based on two bad points

num = int(input("How many pieces do you want to substitute?"))
value_list = [] #Prepare an array to store numbers

for i in range(num):
    value = int(input("Substitute a number"))
    value_list.append(value) #Add values to the prepared list

max_value = value_list[0] #Initialize with list elements

for i in range(num):
    if value_list[i] > max_value:
        max_value = value_list[i]

print(max_value) #Output maximum value

Changed part

Substitution(Change before)

while i < num:
    value = int(input("Substitute a number"))
    value_list.append(value) #Add values to the prepared list
    i += 1

Substitution(After change)

for i in range(num):
    value = int(input("Substitute a number"))
    value_list.append(value) #Add values to the prepared list

Comparison(Change before)

max_value = 0 #Initialize maximum value to 0
i = 0
while i < num:
    if value_list[i] >= max_value: #Compare the stored numbers in order
        max_value = value_list[i]
    i += 1

Comparison(After change)

max_value = value_list[0] #Initialize with list elements

for i in range(num):
    if value_list[i] > max_value:
        max_value = value_list[i]

By setting the initial value to the input element, the maximum value will be output normally even when all the input elements are negative. Furthermore, by changing from a while statement to a for statement, initialization and addition processing are no longer wasted.

I tried using the max function

I was pointed out in a comment that python has a function to find the maximum value from an object with a given element, so I tried using it immediately.

num = int(input("How many pieces do you want to substitute?"))
value_list = [] #Prepare an array to store numbers

for i in range(num):
    value = int(input("Substitute a number"))
    value_list.append(value) #Add values to the prepared list


Output result

How many pieces do you want to substitute? 3
Substitute a number-3
Substitute a number-2
Substitute a number-5

Thank you to everyone who gave us their opinions and suggestions.

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