How to do "Lending and borrowing JS methods (the one who uses apply)" in Python

Assumption, in JavaScript

In JavaScript, it is well known that you can change the context of this in function through apply.

So to speak, methods of other classes can be used at runtime.

After going around, it seems that it is called the borrowing method in English. Does it literally mean "borrow"?


function A () {
  this.value = 1;

function B () {
  this.value = 2;
} = function show () {

var a = A();;  //It's like "a borrows and uses show, which is a method of B."

Execution result


The main subject, in Python

Today, while eating with someone I hadn't seen in a long time, I was asked, "Can I do the same with Python?" In Python I want to change `` `self``` at runtime. From the conclusion, "I can". I couldn't explain it on the spot, so I decided to write it in Qiita.

In python

class A(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 1

class B(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 2

    def show(self):

a = A()

Execution result



It was said that in Python you can refer to various things through __dict__.

However, if you use this too much, it will become black magic, so stop using it normally.

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