[PYTHON] Getting Started with Poetry From installation to execution and version control


I will leave how to use Poetry as a memorandum.


curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python

Command list

Here are the commands that you might use personally.

Poetry update

poetry self update

Creating a project

poetry new <project-name>

Package installation

poetry add <package-name>

Uninstall a package

poetry remove <package-name>

View package list

poetry show

Executing commands in a virtual environment

poetry run <commands...>

Run the file with python

poetry run python <file-name>

Launch a shell in a virtual environment

poetry shell

Launch a shell according to $ SHELL

How to get started after installation

Immediately after installation, either source to pass the path or restart the shell

Allows a virtual environment to be created in the project

poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true

This command can be executed once after installation.

Create a sample project

poetry new poetry-sample

Move to project directory

cd poetry-sample

Install the package you want to add Here, install numpy

poetry add numpy

Create sample.py in the poetry-sample directory


import numpy as np

x = np.array([1, 2, 3])

Launch a shell in a virtual environment

poetry shell

Run script

python sample.py

Or you can run commands directly in a virtual environment without launching a shell

poetry run python sample.py

With the above flow, you can create a project, add a package, and execute a program.

The script can be executed even if it is not in poetry-sample

Python version control

It is a method to do it together with pyenv

Take Python 3.7.0 as an example

First, install 3.7.0 if it is not installed with pyenv

pyenv install 3.7.0

Change the local version in the project

pyenv local 3.7.0

Build a virtual environment with commands

poetry env use 3.7.0

Now the Python version in your project is 3.7.0


It's very convenient, so I'd like to use it from now on.

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