[PYTHON] YOLP Get map information XML file with Yahoo! Static Map API


--Call YOLP Yahoo! Static Map API in Python to get map image and map information XML --YOLP If you specify xml in the output parameter of Yahoo! Static Map API, you can get the information about the map image to be acquired when output = xml is not in XML. --Operation check environment: macOS Catalina + Python 3.8.5

Program by Python

from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
import xml.dom.minidom as MD

appid = 'YOUR APPLICATION ID' #Specify application ID
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Yahoo AppID: {0}'.format(appid)}

# lat=Latitude of the center, lon=Longitude of the center, z=Scale level, output=Output format
#This time, specify the latitude and longitude of Nagoya Station
png_url = 'https://map.yahooapis.jp/map/V1/static?lat=35.170476&lon=136.882250&z=17'
xml_url = 'https://map.yahooapis.jp/map/V1/static?lat=35.170476&lon=136.882250&z=17&output=xml'

#Download and save the map image
req = Request(png_url, headers=headers)
with urlopen(req) as res:
  with open ('map.png', mode='wb') as file:

#Output XML of map information
req = Request(xml_url, headers=headers)
with urlopen(req) as res:
  body = res.read().decode('utf-8')
  with open ('map.xml', mode='w') as file:
    #Format XML and output
    dom = MD.parseString(body)
    dom.writexml(file, addindent='  ', newl='\n', encoding='utf-8')

Output result

Map image

The acquired map image.


Map information XML

The meaning of the main elements and attributes.

--Coordinates: Map center coordinates --Coordinate-UL: Coordinates on the upper left of the map --Coordinate-UR: Coordinates on the upper right of the map --Coordinate-DL: Coordinates at the bottom left of the map --Coordinate-DR: Coordinates at the bottom right of the map --Image: Map size (unit: pixel) --Scales: List of scale values that can be displayed on the map in the center coordinates of the map --mode: Map type --Scale: Scale value --zlevel: Scale level --sc: Scale ID

The retrieved XML file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ResultSet xmlns="urn:yahoo:jp:olp:static" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:yahoo:jp:olp:static http://olp.yahooapis.jp/OpenLocalPlatform/V1/staticResponse.xsd">
    <Coordinates datum="WGS84" format="lon,lat">136.88225,35.170476</Coordinates>
      <Coordinates datum="WGS84" format="lon,lat">136.8768855819702,35.1748609813922</Coordinates>
      <Coordinates datum="WGS84" format="lon,lat">136.8876144180298,35.1748609813922</Coordinates>
      <Coordinates datum="WGS84" format="lon,lat">136.8768855819702,35.1660907821191</Coordinates>
      <Coordinates datum="WGS84" format="lon,lat">136.8876144180298,35.1660907821191</Coordinates>
    <Scale zlevel="17" sc="4">23842</Scale>
    <Scales mode="map">
      <Scale zlevel="1" sc="20">1562498438</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="2" sc="19">781249219</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="3" sc="18">390624609</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="4" sc="17">195312305</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="5" sc="16">97656152</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="6" sc="15">48828076</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="7" sc="14">24414038</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="8" sc="13">12207019</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="9" sc="12">6103510</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="10" sc="11">3051755</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="11" sc="10">1525877</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="12" sc="9">762939</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="13" sc="8">381469</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="14" sc="7">190735</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="15" sc="6">95367</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="16" sc="5">47684</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="17" sc="4">23842</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="18" sc="3">11921</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="19" sc="2">5960</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="20" sc="1">2980</Scale>
    <Scales mode="map-mobile">
      <Scale zlevel="1" sc="20">1562498438</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="2" sc="19">781249219</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="3" sc="18">390624609</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="4" sc="17">195312305</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="5" sc="16">97656152</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="6" sc="15">48828076</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="7" sc="14">24414038</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="8" sc="13">12207019</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="9" sc="12">6103510</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="10" sc="11">3051755</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="11" sc="10">1525877</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="12" sc="9">762939</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="13" sc="8">381469</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="14" sc="7">190735</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="15" sc="6">95367</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="16" sc="5">47684</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="17" sc="4">23842</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="18" sc="3">11921</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="19" sc="2">5960</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="20" sc="1">2980</Scale>
    <Scales mode="photo">
      <Scale zlevel="1" sc="20">1562498438</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="2" sc="19">781249219</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="3" sc="18">390624609</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="4" sc="17">195312305</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="5" sc="16">97656152</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="6" sc="15">48828076</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="7" sc="14">24414038</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="8" sc="13">12207019</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="9" sc="12">6103510</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="10" sc="11">3051755</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="11" sc="10">1525877</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="12" sc="9">762939</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="13" sc="8">381469</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="14" sc="7">190735</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="15" sc="6">95367</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="16" sc="5">47684</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="17" sc="4">23842</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="18" sc="3">11921</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="19" sc="2">5960</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="20" sc="1">2980</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="21" sc="1">1490</Scale>
    <Scales mode="hybrid">
      <Scale zlevel="1" sc="20">1562498438</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="2" sc="19">781249219</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="3" sc="18">390624609</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="4" sc="17">195312305</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="5" sc="16">97656152</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="6" sc="15">48828076</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="7" sc="14">24414038</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="8" sc="13">12207019</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="9" sc="12">6103510</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="10" sc="11">3051755</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="11" sc="10">1525877</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="12" sc="9">762939</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="13" sc="8">381469</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="14" sc="7">190735</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="15" sc="6">95367</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="16" sc="5">47684</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="17" sc="4">23842</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="18" sc="3">11921</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="19" sc="2">5960</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="20" sc="1">2980</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="21" sc="1">1490</Scale>
    <Scales mode="map-b1">
      <Scale zlevel="19" sc="3">5960</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="20" sc="2">2980</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="21" sc="1">1490</Scale>
    <Scales mode="hd">
      <Scale zlevel="1" sc="20">1562498438</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="2" sc="19">781249219</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="3" sc="18">390624609</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="4" sc="17">195312305</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="5" sc="16">97656152</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="6" sc="15">48828076</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="7" sc="14">24414038</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="8" sc="13">12207019</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="9" sc="12">6103510</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="10" sc="11">3051755</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="11" sc="10">1525877</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="12" sc="9">762939</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="13" sc="8">381469</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="14" sc="7">190735</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="15" sc="6">95367</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="16" sc="5">47684</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="17" sc="4">23842</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="18" sc="3">11921</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="19" sc="2">5960</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="20" sc="1">2980</Scale>
    <Scales mode="hd-mobile">
      <Scale zlevel="1" sc="20">1562498438</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="2" sc="19">781249219</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="3" sc="18">390624609</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="4" sc="17">195312305</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="5" sc="16">97656152</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="6" sc="15">48828076</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="7" sc="14">24414038</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="8" sc="13">12207019</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="9" sc="12">6103510</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="10" sc="11">3051755</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="11" sc="10">1525877</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="12" sc="9">762939</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="13" sc="8">381469</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="14" sc="7">190735</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="15" sc="6">95367</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="16" sc="5">47684</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="17" sc="4">23842</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="18" sc="3">11921</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="19" sc="2">5960</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="20" sc="1">2980</Scale>
    <Scales mode="loco">
      <Scale zlevel="1" sc="20">1562498438</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="2" sc="19">781249219</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="3" sc="18">390624609</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="4" sc="17">195312305</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="5" sc="16">97656152</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="6" sc="15">48828076</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="7" sc="14">24414038</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="8" sc="13">12207019</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="9" sc="12">6103510</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="10" sc="11">3051755</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="11" sc="10">1525877</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="12" sc="9">762939</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="13" sc="8">381469</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="14" sc="7">190735</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="15" sc="6">95367</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="16" sc="5">47684</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="17" sc="4">23842</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="18" sc="3">11921</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="19" sc="2">5960</Scale>
      <Scale zlevel="20" sc="1">2980</Scale>
    <Copyright>(C)Yahoo Japan,(C)ZENRIN</Copyright>

Reference material

-YOLP \ (Map ): Yahoo ! Static Map API -Yahoo ! Developer Network -[urllib \ .request ---extensible library for opening URLs — Python 3 \ .8 \ .5 documentation](https://docs.python.org/ja/3.8/library/urllib .request.html) -[xml \ .dom \ .minidom ---Minimal DOM implementation — Python 3 \ .8 \ .5 documentation](https://docs.python.org/ja/3.8/library/xml .dom.minidom.html)

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