[PYTHON] Serve static files with X-Send File

Information freshness

Background and mod_auth_tkt issues

This is a continuation. http://qiita.com/amedama/items/3f2197cadc1ea7d6374e


And it's X-Send File.

If this is included in the Response header, the web server under the WSGI app, that is Apache this time, will Before returning a response to the user, it expands the path and starts sending the file to the user. There are more articles around nginx, but if you put a module in another, it will work with Apache.

Evaluation of performance is ... Of course through.

Probably not if the DB contains files.


For Debian / Ubuntu Apache2, include libapache2-mod-xsendfile.

# prepare "@project_member_required" by yourself
def download_project_file(request, project_name, file_name):
    response = HttpResponse()
    # prepare this function by yourself
    download_path = construct_path_from_file_name(file_name))
    response['X-Sendfile'] = download_path
    response['Content-Type'] = ''
    return response

In the above case

On Apache settings

XSendFile on
XSendFilePath /opt/yourproject/downloads

If you do, / opt / yourproject / downloads will be whitelisted. Conversely, if you specify the wrong path, nothing will be sent.

Reference: https://tn123.org/mod_xsendfile/


django-sendfile (https://github.com/johnsensible/django-sendfile)

The first thing that appears in the google result of "django X-SendFile" is a land mine. This is an implementation that reads a file on django, expands it, and returns it as content, which is far from efficient.


We welcome your comments.

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