Linux # Command Memo 1
show your directory
clear the terminal
- d:directory
- r:read
- w:write
- x:execute
- r:read
list all the things in the directory
ls /usr/
- list the things inside usr directory
ls ..
- list out a back directory
ls -l
- display in long format
ls -a
- show the hidden things also
ls -la
- list in long format and show the hidden things also
ls -lS
- list the item and sort by Size
ls -l *txt
- list the item with .txt only
ls -lS >path
- list the item and sort by Size and output the result to file as path.
ls -d */
- list all directory
man ls
Change directory
- cd ~
- go back to home directory
- cd ..
- cd /your path
- go to directory that you want to
- enter somethings and it will echo back
Ctrl+D to End
cat yourpath.files
- show the file
cat yourfile1 yourfile![sample9.gif](
- show the files
cat -b yourfile
- show and add the line numbers on the non-blank line
cat -n yourfile
- show and add the line numbers on all the lines.
cat -s yourfile
- show your files and decrease all the blank line to one line
cat -E yourfile
- show your files and add $ symobl on each of end line.!