Behandeln Sie Daten im NetCDF-Format mit Python


Ubuntu18.04LTS Python3


Das NetCDF4-Modul ist erforderlich, um Dateien im NetCDF-Format in Python3 zu verwenden. Dieses Modul war mit pip3 einfach zu installieren.

NetCDF-Datei-E / A in Python

Das folgende Programm öffnet eine NetCDF-Datei, in der die dreidimensionalen Variablen T2 für Breite, Länge und Zeit gespeichert sind, und erstellt eine neue Datei mit dem Namen

#coding: utf-8
# This is a sample program to read and write s netCDF file with Python3
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np

#read netCDF file

#open a netCDF file to read
ifile = ""
ncin = Dataset(ifile, 'r')


#get variables

#get axis data
tin = ncin.variables['time']
latin = ncin.variables['lat']
lonin = ncin.variables['lon']

#get length of axis data
ntime = len(tin)
nlat = len(latin)
nlon = len(lonin)

#check axis

#read data
vin = ncin.variables['T2']

#check data

#write netCDF file

#open a netCDF file to write
ncout = Dataset('', 'w', format="NETCDF4")

#check file format

#define axix size
ncout.createDimension('lat', nlat)
ncout.createDimension('lon', nlon)

#create time axis
time = ncout.createVariable('time', np.dtype('f4').char, ('time'))
time.long_name = 'time'
time.units = 'months since 1850-1-1'
time.axis = 'T'

#create lat axis
lat = ncout.createVariable('lat', np.dtype('f4').char, ('lat'))
lat.long_name = 'latitude'
lat.units ='degrees_north'
lat.axis = 'Y'

#create lon axis
lon = ncout.createVariable('lon', np.dtype('f8').char, ('lon'))
lon.long_name = 'longitude'
lon.units = 'degrees_east'
lon.axis = 'X'

#create variable arry
vout = ncout.createVariable('T2', np.dtype('f4').char, ('time', 'lat', 'lon'))
vout.long_name = '2m temperature'
vout.units = 'K'

#copy axis from original data
time[:] = tin[:]
lon[:] = lonin[:]
lat[:] = latin[:]
vout[:] = vin[:]



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