PPAP en Python

J'ai essayé PPAP en utilisant une méthode spéciale de Python. J'ai utilisé «add» et «mul» pour ajouter et multiplier des chaînes de caractères.



import re

## PPAP class
class PPAP(str):
    def __add__(self, other):
        result = "{1}-{0}".format(self, other)

        print("Oh, {0}!".format(result))

        return PPAP(result)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        match = re.search("(\w+)-(\w+)", other)
        mate_1, mate_2 = match.group(1), match.group(2)
        result = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(mate_2, mate_1, self)


        return PPAP(result)

    def print_materials(self, other):
        print("I have a {0}~".format(self))
        print("I have a {0}~".format(other))

#Exécutez PPAP
pen = PPAP("pen")
apple = PPAP("apple")
pineapple = PPAP("pineapple")

print("---(1st Phase)---")
result_1 = pen + apple
print("---(2nd Phase)---")
result_2 = pen + pineapple
print("---(Last Phase)---")
result_1 * result_2


---(1st Phase)---
I have a pen~
I have a apple~
Oh, apple-pen!
---(2nd Phase)---
I have a pen~
I have a pineapple~
Oh, pineapple-pen!
---(Last Phase)---

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