Prise en charge de Java 1 1 par Google App Engine

Google’s App Engine cloud has added official support for Java 11, the latest long-term support (LTS) version of the Java language platform, as a production release. The App Engine Standard Environment Java 11 runtime is generally available for running any Java 11 application, web framework, or service in a managed serverless environment. Java 11 had been offered on App Engine in a beta release since June. The Java 11 runtime on App Engine offers twice the amount of memory as the earlier Java 8 runtime, providing better support for applications that run under a heavy workload with large amounts of data. Developers can use frameworks including Spring Boot, Ktor, Vert.x, or Micronaut.

In the Google App Engine managed the environment, the runtime is automatically updated with the latest security patches to the operating system and minor revisions to the Java Development Kit (JDK). App Engine also provides services including request tracing, traffic splitting, centralized logging, and production debugging.

Java 11, or JDK 11, was made available by Oracle in September 2018. As an LTS version, Java 11 is slated to receive support from Oracle well into the next decade. This contrasts with six months of Oracle support for other releases, such as the current JDK 13 release or the prior JDK 12 release.

How to access Google App Engine’s Java 11 runtime; You can access the Google App Engine Java 11 Standard Environment documentation from the Google Cloud website. Google also is offering guidance on migrating App Engine Java 8 applications to App Engine Java 11. You can learn directly from the java training in Chennai. for references google cloud website.

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