Faisons une rupture de bloc avec wxPython


Une vidéo de Google Deepmind qui applique le Deep Q Learning à Break Out d'ATARI pour la capturer est devenue populaire. (La vidéo est ici) J'ai décidé d'essayer cela moi-même et j'ai pensé que ce serait utile plus tard, alors j'ai commencé par fabriquer moi-même un brise-bloc. La raison pour laquelle j'ai utilisé wxPython était parce que je voulais que la bibliothèque Deep Learning soit utilisée plus tard pour être basée sur Python.

Il reste encore un long chemin à parcourir avant le Deep Q Learning, mais j'ai écrit un article dans l'espoir qu'il serait utile pour créer une application d'animation à l'aide de wxPython.

Il nécessite wxPython pour fonctionner. La méthode d'installation est [ici](http://qiita.com/kanlkan/items/5e6f2e63de406f46b3b1#wxpython%E3%81%AE%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B9%E3%83 Veuillez consulter% 88% E3% 83% BC% E3% 83% AB) et ainsi de suite.

Code source

Il est également posté sur GitHub, mais ce n'est pas si long, donc je le posterai ici aussi.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# break-wall.py

import wx
import random
import math

gVersion = "0.8.0"
gGameState = ("INIT","PLAYING","END")
gTimerInterval = 5 # [msec]
gFieldWidth = 640
gFieldHeight = 720
gFieldColor = (230,230,160)
gBarIniPos = (300, 640)
gBarSize = (120, 20)
gBarColor = (90, 170, 90)
gBarSpeed = 12 
gBallRadius = 8
gBallColor = (0, 0, 255)
gIniBallSpeed = 2
gBlkTop = 120
gBlkVCnt = 8
gBlkHCnt = 3
gBlkSize = (80, 40)
gBlkColor = ((255,0,0),(0,255,0),(0,0,255))

class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, 'Break Wall :' + gVersion, \
                          size=(gFieldWidth + 4, gFieldHeight + 4), \
                          style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & ~(wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX))
        self.main_field = FieldPanel(self)

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onClose)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onTimer)

        self.timer = wx.Timer(self)

    def onClose(self, event):

    def onTimer(self, event):

class FieldPanel(wx.Panel):
    def __init__(self, parent, pos=(2, 2), size=(gFieldWidth, gFieldHeight)):
        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, pos=pos, size=size)
        self.pos = pos
        self.size = size

        self.bar = Bar(self, gBarIniPos[0], gBarIniPos[1])
        self.ball = Ball(self, gBarIniPos[0], (gBarIniPos[1] - gBallRadius))
        self.blocks = [[Block(i*gBlkSize[0], gBlkTop+j*gBlkSize[1], \
                              gBlkColor[(gBlkVCnt*j+i)%gBlkHCnt]) \
                        for i in range(gBlkVCnt)] for j in range(gBlkHCnt)]
        self.block_exist = [[1 for i in range(gBlkVCnt)] for j in range(gBlkHCnt)]
        self.state = gGameState[0]

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.onPaint)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.onKey)

    def update(self):
    def onPaint(self, event):
        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
        # Paint Bar
        dc.DrawRectangle(self.bar.x, self.bar.y, self.bar.size[0], self.bar.size[1])
        # Paint Ball
        dc.DrawCircle(self.ball.x, self.ball.y, self.ball.radius)
        # Paint Blovks
        for (i, b_list) in enumerate(self.blocks):
            for (j, b) in enumerate(b_list):
                if self.block_exist[i][j] == 1:
                    dc.DrawRectangle(b.x, b.y, b.size[0], b.size[1])

    def onKey(self, event):
        keycode = event.GetKeyCode()
        if keycode == wx.WXK_SPACE:
            if self.state == "INIT":
                self.state = gGameState[1]
            elif self.state == "END":
                self.state = gGameState[0]
        elif (keycode == wx.WXK_LEFT or keycode == ord('H')) and self.state != "END":
        elif (keycode == wx.WXK_RIGHT or keycode == ord('L')) and self.state != "END":

    def initialize(self):
        self.bar.x = gBarIniPos[0]
        self.bar.y = gBarIniPos[1]
        self.ball.x = self.bar.x
        self.ball.y = self.bar.y - self.ball.radius
        self.ball.vec = [0, 0]
        self.block_exist = [[1 for i in range(gBlkVCnt)] for j in range(gBlkHCnt)]

class Bar(object):
    def __init__(self, parent, x, y, size=gBarSize, color=gBarColor, speed=gBarSpeed):
        self.parent = parent
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.size = size
        self.color = color
        self.speed = speed

    def move(self, direction):
        if direction >= 0:
            self.x += self.speed
        elif direction < 0:
            self.x -= self.speed

        if self.x < self.parent.pos[0]:
            self.x = self.parent.pos[0]
        elif self.x > (self.parent.pos[0] + self.parent.size[0] - self.size[0]):
            self.x = self.parent.pos[0] + self.parent.size[0] - self.size[0]

class Ball(object):
    def __init__(self, parent, x, y, radius=gBallRadius, vec=[0.0,0.0], \
                 color=gBallColor, speed=gIniBallSpeed):
        self.parent = parent
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.radius = radius
        self.vec = vec
        self.color = color
        self.speed = speed

    def shoot(self):
        self.parent.state = gGameState[1]
        rand_x = random.randrange(1000, 5000)
        rand_y = random.randrange(2000, 5000)
        self.vec = (-1.0 * float(rand_x)/1000.0, -1.0 * float(rand_y)/1000.0)

    def move(self):
        if self.parent.state == "INIT":
            self.x = self.parent.bar.x
            self.y = self.parent.bar.y - self.radius
        elif self.parent.state == "END":
            unit = self.speed / math.sqrt(pow(self.vec[0],2) + pow(self.vec[1],2))
            self.x += (self.vec[0] * unit)
            self.y += (self.vec[1] * unit)

    def collision(self):
        # Game Over
        if (self.y + self.radius) >= self.parent.size[1]:
            self.parent.state = gGameState[2]
        # Bound at Bar
        if self.x >= self.parent.bar.x and \
           self.x <= (self.parent.bar.x + self.parent.bar.size[0]) and \
           self.y >= (self.parent.bar.y - self.radius) and \
           self.y <  (self.parent.bar.y + self.radius) and \
           self.vec[1] > 0:

            self.vec = [self.vec[0], -1*self.vec[1]]

        # Bound at Frame
        #### left
        if self.vec[0] < 0 and \
           self.x <= (self.parent.pos[0] + self.radius):
            self.vec = [-1*self.vec[0], self.vec[1]]
        #### right
        if self.vec[0] > 0 and \
           self.x >= (self.parent.pos[0] + self.parent.size[0] - self.radius):
            self.vec = [-1*self.vec[0], self.vec[1]]
        #### ceiling 
        if self.y <= (self.parent.pos[1] + self.radius):
            self.vec = [self.vec[0], -1*self.vec[1]]

        # Bound at Blocks
        no_block = 1
        for (i, b_exist_list) in enumerate(self.parent.block_exist):
            for (j, b_exist) in enumerate(b_exist_list):
                if b_exist == 1:
                    no_block = 0
                    tgt_block = self.parent.blocks[i][j]
                    # Ball cross the block edge
                    if self.x > (tgt_block.x - self.radius) and \
                       self.x < (tgt_block.x + tgt_block.size[0] + self.radius) and \
                       self.y > (tgt_block.y - self.radius) and \
                       self.y < (tgt_block.y + tgt_block.size[1] + self.radius):

                        self.parent.block_exist[i][j] = 0
                        # update vec
                        x0 = tgt_block.x + tgt_block.size[0] / 2
                        y0 = tgt_block.y + tgt_block.size[1] / 2
                        k = float(tgt_block.size[1]) / float(tgt_block.size[0])
                        #### top
                        if (self.vec[1] > 0) and \
                           (self.x < x0 and \
                            self.y < (k * (self.x - x0) + y0 - self.radius)) or \
                           (self.x > x0 and \
                            self.y < (-1 * k * (self.x - x0) + y0 - self.radius)):

                            self.vec = [self.vec[0], -1*self.vec[1]]
                        #### bottom
                        elif (self.vec[1] < 0) and \
                             (self.x < x0 and \
                              self.y > (-1 * k * (self.x - x0) + y0 + self.radius)) or \
                             (self.x > x0 and \
                              self.y > (k * (self.x - x0) + y0 + self.radius)):

                            self.vec = [self.vec[0], -1*self.vec[1]]
                        #### left
                        elif (self.vec[0] > 0) and (self.x < x0):
                            self.vec = [-1*self.vec[0], self.vec[1]]
                        ### right
                        elif (self.vec[0] < 0) and (self.x > x0):
                            self.vec = [-1*self.vec[0], self.vec[1]]


        if no_block == 1:
            # Game Clear
            self.parent.state = gGameState[2]

class Block(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y, color, size=gBlkSize):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.color = color
        self.size = size

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = wx.App()
    frame = MainFrame().Show()

Environnement de contrôle de fonctionnement

Je pense que wxpython fonctionnera également avec 2.8.

comment jouer



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