[PYTHON] La raison pour laquelle l'expression régulière (RE) ne parvient pas à analyser la source .tex.

nested commands

Example .tex source with nested commands.


In this case, it's impossible to search the othor of third bra's pair with RE.

(non-)greedy RE

Let's try!

  1. use greedy match
a = r"\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+x}}}"
m = re.search(r"\\frac\{.*\}\{.*\}", a)

This match to first frac's braket.

  1. use non-greedy match
a = r"\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+x}}}"
m =re.search( r"\\frac\{.*?\}\{.*?\}", a)

This match to



Of cource you can maybe solve this problem using more complicated RE. However, everone hates to write intricately. I think that how to solve it is only parsing strings par one letter. Do you have any othor solusions?

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