[ns3-30] Activer la visualisation des scripts Python

Je ne connaissais pas la cause, et j'étais vraiment dedans, donc c'est un mémorandum.


OS: Ubuntu 18.04 ns3: 3.30


Ici, ʻexample / tutoral / third.py` est utilisé comme exemple. https://www.nsnam.org/doxygen/third_8py_source.html

Notez que third.cc avec le même contenu sera visualisé normalement même s'il est exécuté avec l'indicateur vis.

$ ./waf --run scratch/mythird --vis
Waf: Entering directory `/usr/ns/ns-3.30/build'
Waf: Leaving directory `/usr/ns/ns-3.30/build'
Build commands will be stored in build/compile_commands.json
'build' finished successfully (0.652s)
Could not load plugin 'show_last_packets.py': No module named 'kiwi'
Could not load icon applets-screenshooter due to missing gnomedesktop Python module
scanning topology: 8 nodes...
scanning topology: calling graphviz layout
scanning topology: all done.

Screenshot from 2020-05-05 21-23-38.png

Fonctionne bien sans le drapeau vis

$ ./waf --pyrun examples/tutorial/third.py
Waf: Entering directory `/usr/ns/ns-3.30/build'
Waf: Leaving directory `/usr/ns/ns-3.30/build'
Build commands will be stored in build/compile_commands.json
'build' finished successfully (0.652s)
At time 2s client sent 1024 bytes to port 9
At time 2.01799s server received 1024 bytes from port 49153
At time 2.01799s server sent 1024 bytes to port 49153
At time 2.03371s client received 1024 bytes from port 9

Une erreur se produit lorsque l'indicateur vis est défini.

$ ./waf --pyrun examples/tutorial/third.py --vis
Waf: Entering directory `/usr/ns/ns-3.30/build'
Waf: Leaving directory `/usr/ns/ns-3.30/build'
Build commands will be stored in build/compile_commands.json
'build' finished successfully (0.707s)
assert failed. cond="uid != 0", msg="Assert in TypeId::LookupByName: ns3::VisualSimulatorImpl not found", file=../src/core/model/type-id.cc, line=828
terminate called without an active exception
Command ['/usr/bin/python3', 'examples/tutorial/third.py', '--SimulatorImplementationType=ns3::VisualSimulatorImpl'] terminated with signal SIGIOT. Run it under a debugger to get more information (./waf --run <program> --command-template="gdb --args %s <args>").

L'erreur indique uniquement que vous pouvez utiliser le débogueur, ce qui peut prêter à confusion.

Si vous obtenez un avertissement appelé Gtk-Warning, il est possible que la version Gtk ne corresponde pas. Installez le Gtk approprié.


En fait, il manque un paquet. Importez ns.visualizer avec la commande suivante.

import ns.visualizer

Ceci est écrit tranquillement sur la page Wiki. Je veux que tu le mettes depuis le début w https://www.nsnam.org/wiki/PyViz

Le third.py modifié est le suivant.


# -*-  Mode: Python; -*-
# /*
#  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
#  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
#  *
#  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  * GNU General Public License for more details.
#  *
#  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#  *
#  * Ported to Python by Mohit P. Tahiliani
#  */

import ns.core
import ns.network
import ns.point_to_point
import ns.applications
import ns.wifi
import ns.mobility
import ns.csma
import ns.internet
import sys

import ns.visualizer

# // Default Network Topology
# //
# //   Wifi
# //                 AP
# //  *    *    *    *
# //  |    |    |    |
# // n5   n6   n7   n0 -------------- n1   n2   n3   n4
# //                   point-to-point  |    |    |    |
# //                                   ================
# //                                     LAN

cmd = ns.core.CommandLine()
cmd.nCsma = 3
cmd.verbose = "True"
cmd.nWifi = 3
cmd.tracing = "False"

cmd.AddValue("nCsma", "Number of \"extra\" CSMA nodes/devices")
cmd.AddValue("nWifi", "Number of wifi STA devices")
cmd.AddValue("verbose", "Tell echo applications to log if true")
cmd.AddValue("tracing", "Enable pcap tracing")


nCsma = int(cmd.nCsma)
verbose = cmd.verbose
nWifi = int(cmd.nWifi)
tracing = cmd.tracing

# The underlying restriction of 18 is due to the grid position
# allocator's configuration; the grid layout will exceed the
# bounding box if more than 18 nodes are provided.
if nWifi > 18:
	print ("nWifi should be 18 or less; otherwise grid layout exceeds the bounding box")

if verbose == "True":
	ns.core.LogComponentEnable("UdpEchoClientApplication", ns.core.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
	ns.core.LogComponentEnable("UdpEchoServerApplication", ns.core.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
p2pNodes = ns.network.NodeContainer()

pointToPoint = ns.point_to_point.PointToPointHelper()
pointToPoint.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("5Mbps"))
pointToPoint.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("2ms"))

p2pDevices = pointToPoint.Install(p2pNodes)

csmaNodes = ns.network.NodeContainer()

csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper()
csma.SetChannelAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("100Mbps"))
csma.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.NanoSeconds(6560)))

csmaDevices = csma.Install(csmaNodes)

wifiStaNodes = ns.network.NodeContainer()
wifiApNode = p2pNodes.Get(0)

channel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default()
phy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default()

wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper()

mac = ns.wifi.WifiMacHelper()
ssid = ns.wifi.Ssid ("ns-3-ssid")

mac.SetType ("ns3::StaWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid), "ActiveProbing", ns.core.BooleanValue(False))
staDevices = wifi.Install(phy, mac, wifiStaNodes)

mac.SetType("ns3::ApWifiMac","Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue (ssid))
apDevices = wifi.Install(phy, mac, wifiApNode)

mobility = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper()
mobility.SetPositionAllocator ("ns3::GridPositionAllocator", "MinX", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.0), 
								"MinY", ns.core.DoubleValue (0.0), "DeltaX", ns.core.DoubleValue(5.0), "DeltaY", ns.core.DoubleValue(10.0), 
                                 "GridWidth", ns.core.UintegerValue(3), "LayoutType", ns.core.StringValue("RowFirst"))
mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::RandomWalk2dMobilityModel", "Bounds", ns.mobility.RectangleValue(ns.mobility.Rectangle (-50, 50, -50, 50)))


stack = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper()

address = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper()
address.SetBase(ns.network.Ipv4Address(""), ns.network.Ipv4Mask(""))
p2pInterfaces = address.Assign(p2pDevices)

address.SetBase(ns.network.Ipv4Address(""), ns.network.Ipv4Mask(""))
csmaInterfaces = address.Assign(csmaDevices)

address.SetBase(ns.network.Ipv4Address(""), ns.network.Ipv4Mask(""))

echoServer = ns.applications.UdpEchoServerHelper(9)

serverApps = echoServer.Install(csmaNodes.Get(nCsma))

echoClient = ns.applications.UdpEchoClientHelper(csmaInterfaces.GetAddress(nCsma), 9)
echoClient.SetAttribute("MaxPackets", ns.core.UintegerValue(1))
echoClient.SetAttribute("Interval", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.Seconds (1.0)))
echoClient.SetAttribute("PacketSize", ns.core.UintegerValue(1024))

clientApps = echoClient.Install(wifiStaNodes.Get (nWifi - 1))



if tracing == "True":
	pointToPoint.EnablePcapAll ("third")
	phy.EnablePcap ("third", apDevices.Get (0))
	csma.EnablePcap ("third", csmaDevices.Get (0), True)


Cela devrait également lancer le visualiseur en Python.

c'est tout

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