[PYTHON] Set Expire to Redis key at once


It is a method to add Expire at once when the number of Redis keys increases too much.

I am careful about the following.

--Process multiple cases at the same time by pipeline processing --Sleep for a few seconds after processing multiple records to avoid overloading Redis --Distribute the expire time so that the load due to key deletion is not applied

Get the list of keys you want to add expire

Save the data obtained by keys to a file

$ redis-cli -h {host} -n {database} keys "*" > keys

Grant expire to Redis key

Grep a specific key from the file and add expire

$ grep {expire_key_name} keys | python set_expires.py


 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import redis
import time
import sys
import random

EXPIRATION_SECONDS_MIN = 86400 * 10  #The 10th
EXPIRATION_SECONDS_MAX = 86400 * 20  #The 20th

def main():

def set_expire_keys():
    redis_cli = _create_client()
    pipe = redis_cli.pipeline()
    line_num = 0
    for line in sys.stdin:
        key_name = line.strip()
        #Separate periods with random numbers to prevent a large number of keys from disappearing at once
        expiration_time = random.randint(EXPIRATION_SECONDS_MIN, EXPIRATION_SECONDS_MAX)
        pipe.expire(key_name, expiration_time)
        #Execute every 10,000 keys
        if line_num % 10000 == 0:
            print("{} lines proceeded.".format(line_num))
            #Stop for 3 seconds considering the load on Redis
            pipe = redis_cli.pipeline()
        line_num += 1
    print("{} lines proceeded.".format(line_num))

def _create_client():
    redis_cli = redis.Redis(
    return redis_cli

if __name__ == "__main__":

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