As the title suggests, make sure you can use Pandas (and numpy) with your Jupter Notebook as cleanly as possible on your new Mac. There may be minor differences in school, but this is fairly easy, and I have summarized the procedure that it is the shortest to use for a while. Basically, just install what you need according to the following flow.
There are many other installations of brew, so I will omit them. Follow the steps below assuming you have brew.
brew install anyenv
anyenv init
mkdir -p ~/.anyenv/plugins
git clone ~/.anyenv/plugins/anyenv-update
anyenv update
anyenv install pyenv
pyenv install miniconda3-4.7.12
pyenv global miniconda3-4.7.12
conda install numpy
conda install pandas
conda install jupyter
It's OK if you do it honestly from the top without thinking about anything
Create a test.csv like this
Launch jupyter notebook
jupter notebook
Access notebook from browser
Launch Python3 Console from "New" where test.csv is, and execute it until it is as shown in the screen below, and it is OK if no error occurs
Enjoy your Python life.
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