[PYTHON] Format and display XML acquired by OpenWeatherMap API.

Hi, my name is Yoshiya Kato from Quick Italate Co., Ltd. I'm currently writing a blog post titled "Why I recommend python to get started".

What you want to do

** Get the weather forecast of the office in XML, format it and display it. ** **


Consider the components.

—— Find a service that provides enough information. --Investigate how to use the service. --Make a request. --Extract the necessary information from the acquired XML. --Display the extracted information neatly.

Weather API service candidates

If you search for "weather forecast API free" I found that the following services existed. -Livedoor Weather Web Service

API overview

OpenWeatherMap is structured so that detailed information can be obtained in various ways. I will extract it and make it a table.

Parameters meaning Value example Mandatory
URL To send the request http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forcast? Mandatory
appid Assigned ID Mandatory*1 Mandatory
name City-specific name tokyo-to option*2
id City-specific ID(cityid) 1850144 option*2
lat Latitude in decimal notation 35.78 option*2
lon Latitude in decimal notation 139.83 option*2
zip Postal code 1210053 option*2
country Country name abbreviation (when zip is specified) jp option*2
unites Notation unit*1 metric or imperial or none option*2
mode Specify acquisition format xml or json or html option*2
Image of request URL (when using Cityid))
Image of request URL (when using latitude / longitude))

python code

Now that the information is ready, I would like to use python to get the information and display it in the form of formatted XML.


#Library import
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import xml.dom.minidom as md
url='http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?' #Base URL settings
query = {
        'id'    : '1850144' ,
        'units'  : 'metric',
        'mode'  : 'xml'}#Value group to be set in the query
url = url + urllib.parse.urlencode(query) #Generate request URL
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) #http request
root = et.fromstring(response.read()) #Store the retrieved content in XML Element

Check the contents of the url used for the request.

Check the generated url

print(url) #Show the contents of the url

Code to display xml

document = md.parseString(et.tostring(root, 'utf-8')) #minidom module parses XML Element
print(document.toprettyxml(indent="  ")) #Converts parsed XML information into a string with indentation and displays it

This is the XML that is actually formatted and output from the value returned by the request.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <location altitude="0" geobase="geonames" geobaseid="1850144" latitude="35.6895" longitude="139.6917"/>
  <sun rise="2017-06-23T19:26:28" set="2017-06-24T10:00:54"/>
    <time from="2017-06-24T06:00:00" to="2017-06-24T09:00:00">
      <symbol name="broken clouds" number="803" var="04d"/>
      <windDirection code="SSE" deg="148.001" name="South-southeast"/>
      <windSpeed mps="2.41" name="Light breeze"/>
      <temperature max="24.68" min="23.88" unit="celsius" value="23.88"/>
      <pressure unit="hPa" value="1015.57"/>
      <humidity unit="%" value="66"/>
      <clouds all="56" unit="%" value="broken clouds"/>
・ ・ (Omitted in the middle) ・ ・

Next time, I would like to extract the contents of XML and process it.

Sites, etc. that I referred to when writing the article

-Livedoor Weather Web Service

Thank you very much.

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