[LINUX] CentOS 7 + ffmpeg installation


I want to put ffmpeg in CentOS 7. That's it. I don't even know what number it is.


If you look at FFMpeg Official, you will be directed to RPM Fusion. Therefore, in this article, we will install FFMpeg 3.4.7 (as of 2020.3.3) from RPM Fusion.

Problem awareness

The most common method for google is to use li.nux.co. Is this really all right? Personally, I'm a little dissatisfied with this because it only fits 2.8.x.


--It is assumed that yum is included. --Everything is working as root. Run it via sudo if necessary. --If you don't want to be asked Yes / No every time with yum, replace it with yum install -y. (Note the position of -y)

0. Maybe what you need in advance

yum install yum-utils
yum install epel-release
yum install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/rpmfusion-free-release-7.noarch.rpm
yum update

(1) Put yum-utils in order to operate (disable) yum repository later. Not needed for those who prefer manual work. (2,3) Add EPEL repository and RPM Fusion (free) repository. (4) Then, update the repository information.

The above URL is the RHEL7 / free version of RPM Fusion. For details, please check the official page of RPM Fusion. Reference: https://rpmfusion.org/Configuration

Note: We often see examples of installing with the rpm command, but it is not recommended. If it is * .rpm, it is better to centrally manage it with the yum command.

1. Installation

yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel
#If you have disabled the following repositories
# yum --enablerepo=epel,rpmfusion-free-updates install ffmpeg

(1) Installation. If you want to use it for development or compile another software that depends on some kind of ffmpeg, include ffmpeg-devel as in the execution example.

2. Clean up

If you don't need to update frequently, it's a good idea to disable the repository. Only enable it with --enablerepo = when needed.

yum-config-manager --disable epel rpmfusion-free-updates
yum update

(1) Use the command to invalidate the repository. If you don't do this, it may interfere with your regular updates ... (2) Just in case, try updating and confirm that epel and rpmfusion-free-updates do not respond **.

in conclusion

nothing special.

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