Set up Metabase service on Windows Server 2012

Install Metabase (0.33.6) on Windows Server (2012)

Metabase download, installation on Windows Server

Download Metabase from the official website

  1. Press the Get started button on the official website ( to go to the download site. image.png
  2. Get Metabase.jar for Custom Install. (0.33.6 as of 12/10/2019) image.png image.png

Download and install Adopt Java (jdk8u232-b09) (if Java is not included in Windows Server)

  1. Java8 or higher OpenJDK and Oracle JDK are required (available in our documentation ( Here, download OpenJDK8's HotSpot (jdk8u232-b09) from image.png image.png

  2. Copy the JRE and metabase.jar to your Windows Server local folder. (Note: When you execute the jar, some files and folders will be scattered in the location of the jar, so it is better to create a folder such as D: \ Software \ Metabase .) image.png

  3. Install the JDK. image.png image.png

  4. Add Set JAVA_HOME valiable and Javasoft (Oracle) registry keys to the installation. image.png image.png

  5. At the command prompt, type java -version and verify that the installed version is displayed. image.png

  6. At the command prompt, go to the location where you put metabase.jar and type java -jar metabase.jar. The installation will start. image.png

  7. After the installation is complete, access http: // localhost: 3000 / from the browser of the installed server and check that the Welcome screen is displayed. image.png

Access from other PCs

  1. Add TCP, 3000 permissions to the inbound permissions for advanced firewall settings.
  2. Access from another PC with http: // PC name: 3000 /.
  3. Confirm that Sign Insight is displayed.

Making Metabase a service using winsw

Metabase can be used as it is, but if you want to run it as a service on Windows Server, it is convenient to use winsw to make the jar file a service. (Reference:

  1. Press Ctrl + C at the command prompt to stop Metabase once. image.png

  2. Download winsw ( (Winswv2.3.0 as of 12/11/2019) image.png image.png

  3. Download WinSW.NET4.exe and sample-allOptions.xml. Copy metabase.jar to the location where you copied it earlier. (WinSW.NET4.exe seems to be for .NET4. (Https:// image.png image.png

  4. Edit the xml file. (Reference: image.png image.png

  5. At the command prompt, attach the ones entered in the above executable and arguments, remove% base%, and run once. image.png

  6. After the installation is complete, reconnect to the http: // localhost: 3000 you just connected and check that the Welcome screen appears.

  7. Press Ctrl + C once to stop. image.png

  8. If you are not running the command prompt as an administrator, close it and rerun it as an administrator.

  9. cd to the location of Metabase.exe and type metabase.exe install. image.png image.png

  10. After the installation is complete, check that metabase is added to the Windows service column, and start the service. After starting the service, connect to 3000port from another PC and check that the screen is displayed. If the server OS can be restarted, restart it, connect to 3000port from another PC in the same way, and check that the screen is displayed. image.png

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