[PYTHON] Think about menus by combinatorial optimization


My doctor told me to limit the calories in my weekly diet. In addition, the minimum required amount of nutrient A and nutrient B was also instructed. How can I eat what I like as much as possible?


It is an allocation problem in Combinatorial optimization problem. Let's assume that cooking candidates are given, and let's express which one to choose with the 0-1 variable $ x $.

Variables $ x_i \ in \ {0, 1 \} $ $ i $ Whether to choose the second dish >
Objective Function $ \ sum_i {Preference_i x_i} $ $ \ rightarrow $ Maximum
Constraints $ \ sum_i {x_i} = 7 $ Choose 7 days
$ \ sum_i {calorie_i x_i} \ le 90 $ calorie restriction
$ \ sum_i {Nutrients A_i x_i} \ ge 95 $ Minimum acquisition amount
$ \ sum_i {Nutrients B_i x_i} \ ge 95 $ Minimum acquisition amount

Try to solve with python

The optimization library is [pulp](http://qiita.com/Tsutomu-KKE@github/items/bfbf4c185ed7004b5721#%E3%82%BD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88%E3%81% Use AE% E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% B3% E3% 82% B9% E3% 83% 88% E3% 83% BC% E3% 83% AB). First, let's create dummy data.


import numpy as np, pandas as pd
from pulp import *
menu = ['beef bowl', 'Oyakodon', 'Pork cutlet on rice', 'Tuna bowl', 'Negitoro bowl', 'chirashi sushi',
        'Eggplant with Mao', 'Doria', 'Omelette rice', 'Fried rice', 'Curry and rice']
n = len(menu)
a = pd.DataFrame({
        'Cooking name': menu,
        'calorie': np.random.randint(10,20,n),
        'Nutrient A': np.random.randint(10,20,n),
        'Nutrient B': np.random.randint(10,20,n),
        'Preference': np.random.randint(10,20,n),
Cooking name Preference calorie Nutrient A Nutrient B
0 beef bowl 18 15 14
1 Oyakodon 13 18 15
2 Pork cutlet on rice 19 19 12
3 Tuna bowl 18 15 14
4 Negitoro bowl 17 10 12
5 chirashi sushi 13 10 14
6 Eggplant with Mao 16 11 17
7 Doria 15 17 17
8 Omelette rice 11 16 19
9 Fried rice 19 19 11
10 Curry and rice 13 12 17

Let's solve it.


m = LpProblem(sense=LpMaximize) #Maximization problem
a['x'] = [LpVariable('x%d'%i, cat=LpBinary) for i in range(n)] #select/do not do
m += lpDot(a.Preference, a.x) # Preferenceを最大化
m += lpSum(a.x) == 7 #Menu for one week
m += lpDot(a.calorie, a.x) <= 90
m += lpDot(a.Nutrient A, a.x) >= 95
m += lpDot(a.Nutrient B, a.x) >= 95
if m.status == 1: # Optimal
    a['val'] = a.x.apply(lambda v: value(v)) #result
    print(a[a.val == 1].Cooking name)
0 beef bowl
3 Tekkadon
4 Negitoro bowl
5 Chirashizushi
6 Eggplant with Mao
7 Doria
10 curry rice

Docker If you want to give it a try with Docker, run the following to open the host in your browser and Jupyter will start. The library is also installed variously.

docker run -d -p 80:8888 tsutomu7/jupyter

that's all

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