This is an introductory article from installing Pyramid, a Python web framework, to starting it.
Just use pip. It's very easy.
$ pip pyramid
Create a Pyramid project. In this example, we will create ** my-app **.
$ pcreate -s alchemy my-app
By specifying alchemy, a project will be created with settings that use SQLAlchemy.
The default setting is to use SQLite for DB. Since MariaDB is used this time, change the DB connection settings.
sqlalchemy.url = mysql+pymysql://pyramid_user:pyramid_password@localhost:3306/pyramid_db?charset=utf8&use_unicode=1
Replace pyramid_user, pyramid_password and pyramid_db as appropriate.
The default setting is to use a WSGI server called waitress. Do not change this time, start with the default settings. The settings are described in development.ini / production.ini.
$ pserve development.ini
Now that the web server is up and running, you can proceed with development.