GUI display train delay information using python


Get the delay information of the specified route from "yahoo route information" and display it on the display with GUI. You can see the operation information on your smartphone, but when you are in a hurry to leave the house, it is difficult to check. Therefore, we created a real-time operation information display to be installed at the entrance.


python 3.7.3 Raspberry pi 3B+ BeautifulSoup4 tkinter Display bracket case for Kuman 7 inch Raspberry Pi 7 inch display (7INCH_HDMI_LCD-PK)


sudo apt-get install python3-tk

sudo apt-get install python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk

# Main subject
## Get the operation status with yahoo operation information
 Use requests and beautifulsoup4 to scrape the operating status of registered routes.
 I referred to this site for the algorithm.

## Get an image of the operation status
 Create a program that changes the icon depending on the operation status. Download the icon image from [ICOOON MONO]( or [Icon is being distributed!](Http://

 Put the downloaded image in the "img" directory. The folder structure is as follows.

## Operation status display on tkinter
 How to operate tkinter
 I think it will be helpful.
## Source code

#### **``**

from tkinter import *
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
import os
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
import textwrap
#The acquired character string is displayed as it is under the icon image
#Create main window
root = Tk()

#Main window size

#Main window title
url_dict = {
    "Yamanote Line": '', "center lane": '',
    "Saikyo Line": '', "Shonan Shinjuku Line": '',"Choshi Electric Railway":''
train_list = [
    "center lane", "Yamanote Line", "Saikyo Line", "Shonan Shinjuku Line","Choshi Electric Railway"

#MainFrame class

class MainFrame(ttk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs):
        #Call the constructor of the parent class
        super().__init__(master, **kwargs)

        # create_Call widgets

    #Create widget
    def create_widgets(self):
        #Create a frame
        self.frame = Frame(self, bg="AntiqueWhite2", bd=0, height=200, relief="flat")

        #Place the frame
        self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=8, sticky="news")

        #Absolute path for this script
        self.scr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
        #Display title
        self.wt=Label(self.frame, text="Route operation information", bg="AntiqueWhite2", font=("", 80)), x=100, y=10)

        #Operation information icon pass (dictionary)
        self.icon_dict = {
            "normal": + "/img/train.png "), "trouble": + "/img/warning.png ")

        #Fit the icon size to the screen size (64x64)
        for key, value in self.icon_dict.items():
            self.icon_dict[key] = self.icon_dict[key].resize(
                (64, 64), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            self.icon_dict[key] = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.icon_dict[key])

        #Route list
        self.wwl = [
            Label(self, text="center lane",  bg="red", font=("", 30, "bold")),
            Label(self, text="Yamanote Line",  bg="lawn green", font=("", 30, "bold")),
            Label(self, text="Saikyo Line",  bg="green", font=("", 30, "bold")),
            Label(self, text="Shonan Shinjuku Line", bg="orange", font=("", 30, "bold")),
            Label(self, text="Choshi Electric Railway", bg="DarkOrange", font=("", 30, "bold"))


        #Place routes
        for i in range(len(self.wwl)):
            self.wwl[i].grid(row=1, column=i, sticky="news")

        #Initial placement dictionary of operation icons
        self.wwi = [
            Label(self, image=self.icon_dict["normal"], bg="white"),
            Label(self, image=self.icon_dict["normal"], bg="white"),
            Label(self, image=self.icon_dict["normal"], bg="white"),
            Label(self, image=self.icon_dict["normal"], bg="white"),
            Label(self, image=self.icon_dict["normal"], bg="white")

        #Place the operation icon
        for i in range(len(self.wwi)):
            self.wwi[i].grid(row=2, column=i, sticky="news")

        #Driving situation
        self.wwt = [
            Label(self, text="0", bg="white", font=("", 20)),
            Label(self, text="0", bg="white", font=("", 20)),
            Label(self, text="0", bg="white", font=("", 20)),
            Label(self, text="0", bg="white", font=("", 20)),
            Label(self, text="0", bg="white", font=("", 20))


        #Place driving situation
        for i in range(len(self.wwt)):
            self.wwt[i].grid(row=3, column=i, sticky="news")

        self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
        self.rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
        self.rowconfigure(3, weight=1)
        self.rowconfigure(4, weight=1)
        for i in range(len(self.wwl)):
            self.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)

#Place the mainframe
app = MainFrame(root)
app.pack(side=TOP, expand=1, fill=BOTH)

#Close main window

def wm_close():

#Create close button
btn = Button(root, text=" X ", font=('', 16), relief=FLAT, command=wm_close)

#When the screen is resized

def change_size(event):
    #Button position to the upper right - 60, y=14)

#Bind screen resizing
root.bind('<Configure>', change_size)

#Maximize the main window
#root.attributes("-zoom", "1")
root.attributes("-fullscreen", "1")

#Always in the foreground
root.attributes("-topmost", True)

def update_train_info():

    count = 0
    #Get operation information of registered routes
    for item in train_list:
        web_requests = requests.get(url_dict[item])

        #Analyze web pages with BeautifulSoup
        soup = BeautifulSoup(
            web_requests.text, 'html.parser')
        # .Find the dd tag of the trouble class with find
        if soup.find('dd', class_='normal'):
            status = "normal"
            trouble_text="Normal operation"
            bg="green yellow"
            status = "trouble"
            text_list=textwrap.wrap(soup.find('dd',class_='trouble').get_text(), 10)
        app.wwl[count].configure(text=item)  #Display of route name
        #Displayed with operation information icon

        #Display operation information

        #Update display counter
        count += 1
  root.after(300000, update_train_info)

#First start

#Register callback function

root.after(300000, update_train_info)

#Main loop


The train icon is displayed during normal driving, and the hazard mark is displayed and information is displayed when a failure occurs. Regarding the implementation, refer to [Python] raspberry pi table clock with weather forecast added. I was allowed to. It is updated every 5 minutes. The background color is I adjusted it while applying the colors listed in.

05/10 postscript As you pointed out, it was only executed once after 5 minutes and was not a regular execution. By adding root.after (300000, update_train_info) to the end ofdef update_train_info ()to make it a recursive call, it became a regular execution. Thank you very much.

Finished product

Finally, I attached the stand to show it on the 7-inch display. 20200509_175223 (2).jpg


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