Split Python images and arrange them side by side


I am creating a Sudoku app. Somehow in the process in the middle, I wanted to divide the image and arrange it side by side, so I created it while googled. I hope it will be helpful to someone.

Sample code


import numpy as np
import cv2

#Read the input image
img = cv2.imread("sudoku_wiki.png ")
#wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku

#Define split size
vertical_split = 9
horizonal_split = 9

#Specify resizing
size = (vertical_split * 200, horizonal_split * 200)
img = cv2.resize(img, size)

#List initialization
split_img = []

#Divided vertically and horizontally
[split_img.extend(np.hsplit(img, horizonal_split)) for img in np.vsplit(img, vertical_split)]

#Arrange the divided images horizontally
img_list = [split_img[i] for i in range(len(split_img))]
merge_img = cv2.hconcat(img_list)

#Save image
cv2.imwrite('merge_img.jpg', merge_img)

Execution result

Target image: sudoku_wiki.png


Execution result: merge_img.jpg It's hard to see, so please enlarge it. .. .. merge_img.jpg

Further improvements

・ It will be easier to see if you erase the border with the numbers. → Detects straight lines and paints white

・ Character string from the image of numbers → Incorporate MNIST (machine learning)

I worked on each of them, but the accuracy was not so good, so I hope it will be posted as soon as it can be improved.

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