[For those who want to be an inexperienced engineer in humanities] Would you like to face the escaped mathematics through Project_Euler?


My name is yuki. Thanks to DMMWEBCAMP, I am now working as a WEB engineer, gathering my friends to develop services, tutoring programming, and enjoying my engineer life every day.

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I used to be a high school teacher in the Japanese language department in the liberal arts, but now I am having a good time in my upper career. I had learned mathematics up to 2B when I took the university entrance exam, but it was very useful when programming.

If you were in high school ** "I avoided math for a while ... but I think I can use my ideas for programming ..." **, this time I can study and review math and programming at the same time. Introducing ** Project Euler **.

What is Project Euler?

Read as Project Euler. https://projecteuler.net/

The description is [wiki](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%97%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B8%E3%82%A7%E3%82%AF%E3 Quoted from% 83% 88% E3% 83% BB% E3% 82% AA% E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% A9% E3% 83% BC).

Project Euler (English: Project Euler, named after Leonhard Euler) is mainly used by adults and students who are interested in mathematics and programming, and solves a series of calculation problems by programming (computer). This is the intended website. In addition to the problems of 400 or more [2], one question is added every weekend, and various difficult questions are prepared, but if you use an efficient algorithm on a personal computer with general specifications, each one will be 1 minute. Can be solved in less than.

After studying at a programming school, I wanted to take revenge on math, so I was working on it. The repository solved by ruby is here. (I did it up to 50th place.)

There were a lot of mathematical problems and problems that were difficult to output, so I was very smart.


Let's try the first question. Before that, there was a Japanese site before, but it's down ...

With that said, let's put in a great extension that translates the original site first. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/project-euler-translate-i/oeicjfkbfahmdklgoollemcahaljgklo?hl=ja

Of natural numbers less than 10,3 or a multiple of 5 is 3, 5, 6,There are 4 of 9,The sum of these is 23.
In the same way,Find the sum of numbers that are multiples of 3 or 5 less than 1000.

What is a natural number ...? If you think that, it's okay. Let's go around.

My answer


max_number = 1000
answer = 0

for num in 1..max_number -1
  if num % 3 == 0 || num % 5 == 0
    answer = answer + num

puts answer

It's an answer I made in the past, so there may be a better way.

Reasons to recommend

Nowadays, many people change jobs from liberal arts to engineers, and I think it is very important to look back on mathematics. I can't say it because I've only taken up to 2B, but I didn't dislike mathematics itself, so it's logical to say ** "subdivide the problem, build logic and arrive at the answer" **. I feel that thinking is very much alive in programming.

However, it is difficult to pull out the textbook and start over from scratch, and I thought it would be good to do it while studying programming, so I introduced it.

After doing Project Euler, I fell in love with math, which I didn't dislike. Because the "program" does the calculations for you. Until now, I used a troublesome formula, and while being careful about calculation mistakes, I used to make notes dirty and solve math, but ** if there is logic, ** the answer will come out beautifully, so it is very pleasant did.

Maybe it will help you overcome your dislike of math, so please give it a try.

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