Python is a language developed in 1991, and it is a language that is widely used because it can make games from embedded, web programming, application development, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and GUI. It can process lists, of course, it has garbage collection, it can do multiple length operations, it can be described as object-oriented and procedural language, it is easy for beginners, and it is basically cross-platform. It can be used with Linux, MacOS, Windows, has a variety of modules, is basically an interpreter, and has a slow execution speed, but a compiler is also available, and python seems to be the language of the present and future. .. However, Python2 will be finished development in 2020, so Python3 is a good place to start.
Here, the platform is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
python3.6.x was originally installed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
Please read the following page for the introduction of python3.7. Install and configure Pyhton 3.7 on Ubuntu 18.04!
Please read the following page for the compiler. How to compile a Python program into an executable binary?
Modules are installed using pip. It seems that some modules cannot be installed without using apt.
Installation of pip
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
will do.
$ python3 -m pip install SomePackage
Introduce the module as.
Reference page: When you want to install a Python module on Ubuntu, use either apt or pip Shall I put it in? The story I thought
GUI story. [Easy-to-understand explanation] 10 comparisons of Python GUI libraries Which is recommended? Qiita: Let's use "Tkinter" which can make a simple GUI with Python
I uploaded this article to Qiita once, but I accidentally deleted it, so I will post it again.
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