diverta 2019 Programming Contest A&B&C&D diverta 2019 Programming Contest
[Explanatory Broadcast: diverta 2019 Programming Contest Commentary Broadcast]
――Since you can't get your hands after E, once you reach D
-(Added on May 13, 2019) Problem D: Added a reference site, which is typical of junior high school entrance exams
--Combination problem ――How many sets can you make with K consecutive numbers?
Example: N = 6, k = 2
$ N-K + 1 $ pair
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
1st set | 1 | 2 | ||||
2nd set | 2 | 3 | ||||
3rd group | 3 | 4 | ||||
4th group | 4 | 5 | ||||
5th group | 5 | 6 |
private void solveA() {
int numN = nextInt();
int numK = nextInt();
out.println(numN - numK + 1);
--Note: Why did you submit this?
long res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numN - numK + 1; i++) {
--A guy like the number of COINs
-Since $ O (N ^ 3) $ was TLE, what would happen if the calculation of b was simplified?
--Since n is fixed, b should be decided if r and g are decided
- $(i * r + j * g) > n $
――In this case, no matter how many b you buy, it is NG (it has exceeded n in the first place)
- $(i * r + j * g) \leqq n $
--In this case, if the next calculation result is a multiple of b, you can purchase exactly n pieces.
private void solveB() {
int r = nextInt();
int g = nextInt();
int b = nextInt();
int n = nextInt();
long res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
int wk = i * r + j * g;
if ((n - wk) >= 0 && (n - wk) % b == 0) {
--The basic idea is in the commentary broadcast or the commentary PDF.
--Classify strings --B XXXX A (Pattern A) --Starts with B and ends with A --B XXXX (Pattern B) --Starts with B and ends with a non-A character --XXXX A (Pattern C) --Starts with a letter other than B and ends with A - XXXX --Does not start with B and does not end with A
――During the contest, I couldn't think of a case and solved it recursively. --It's a memo, but it was in time without it --Memoization, I did it with an array at first, but when I entered the maximum value expected, it became OOM, so I changed it to Map
private void solveC() {
int numN = nextInt();
String[] wk = new String[numN];
long res = 0;
int patternA = 0;
int patternB = 0;
int patternC = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < wk.length; i++) {
wk[i] = next();
if (wk[i].charAt(0) == 'B' && wk[i].charAt(wk[i].length() - 1) == 'A') {
} else if (wk[i].charAt(0) == 'B' && wk[i].charAt(wk[i].length() - 1) != 'A') {
} else if (wk[i].charAt(0) != 'B' && wk[i].charAt(wk[i].length() - 1) == 'A') {
String[] resA = wk[i].split("AB");
res += resA.length - 1;
*First solved by recursion
* [][][]I tried to make it memo, but changed to Map because OOM may occur
*Less than,[][][]But memo code
* int max = Integer.max(Integer.max(patternA, patternB), patternC) + 1;
* long[][][] memo = new long[max + 1][max + 1][max + 1];
* res += saikiC(patternA, patternB, patternC, 0, memo);
Map<String, Long> memo = new HashMap<String, Long>();
res += saikiC(patternA, patternB, patternC, 0, memo);
* @param a patteernA
* @param b patteernB
* @param c patteernC
* @param pair B and C made a pair or A and B,I made a pair with A and C
*Therefore, the pair>If 0, patternA can be used up to the last one
* @param memo
* @return
// private long saikiC(int a, int b, int c, int pair, long[][][] memo) {
private long saikiC(int a, int b, int c, int pair, Map<String, Long> memo) {
if (a <= 0 && (b <= 0 || c <= 0)) {
return 0;
} else if (b <= 0 && a <= 0 && c <= 0) {
return 0;
String key = a + ":" + b + ":" + c;
if (memo.containsKey(key)) {
return memo.get(key);
long val1 = 0;
long val2 = 0;
long val3 = 0;
if (b > 0 && c > 0) {
val1 = saikiC(a, b - 1, c - 1, pair + 1, memo) + 1;
} else if (a > 1 || (a > 0 && pair > 0)) {
* [No pair=Consists of only a]If a cannot be used up to the end
*However,[pair>0=Since b and c or a and b, a and c are combined, there is a destination for a]If you can use it to the end
val2 = saikiC(a - 1, b, c, pair, memo) + 1;
} else if (a > 0 && (b > 0 || c > 0)) {
val3 = saikiC(a - 1, b, c, pair + 1, memo) + 1;
long res = Long.max(val1, Long.max(val2, val3));
memo.put(key, res);
return res;
// return memo[a][b][c] = Long.max(val1, Long.max(val2, val3));
// return Long.max(val1, Long.max(val2, val3));
――If you organize the contents that were done by the above recursion, it will be shortened by this much. .. .. --If pattern A is 0 and pattern B and pattern C are greater than 0, then a combination of B and C --If pattern A is greater than 0 and pattern B or pattern C is also greater than 0, then the combination of B and C + the number of A --A can be sandwiched between B and C, or it can be attached to either, so all A can be used up. --If pattern A is greater than 0 and pattern B and pattern C are 0, then only the combination of A --The last one of A cannot be used up
private void solveC() {
int numN = nextInt();
String[] wk = new String[numN];
long res = 0;
int patternA = 0;
int patternB = 0;
int patternC = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < wk.length; i++) {
wk[i] = next();
if (wk[i].charAt(0) == 'B' && wk[i].charAt(wk[i].length() - 1) == 'A') {
} else if (wk[i].charAt(0) == 'B' && wk[i].charAt(wk[i].length() - 1) != 'A') {
} else if (wk[i].charAt(0) != 'B' && wk[i].charAt(wk[i].length() - 1) == 'A') {
String[] resA = wk[i].split("AB");
res += resA.length - 1;
*I was able to go only by case
if (patternA == 0) {
res += Long.min(patternB, patternC);
} else if (patternA > 0 && (patternB > 0 || patternC > 0)) {
res += patternA + Long.min(patternB, patternC);
} else if (patternA > 0 && (patternB == 0 && patternC == 0)) {
res += patternA - 1;
--Solution PDF and delivery are good -[A lot of explanations that are easy to understand if you google because the quotient is equal to the remainder](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E5%95%86%E3%81%A8%E4%BD%99% E3% 82% 8A% E3% 81% 8C% E7% AD% 89% E3% 81% 97% E3% 81% 84 & oq =% E3% 81% 97% E3% 82% 87% E3% 81% 86% E3 % 81% A8% E3% 81% 82% E3% 81% BE% E3% 82% 8A & aqs = chrome.1.69i57j35i39j0l4.7025j0j4 & sourceid = chrome & ie = UTF-8)
-Transform $ n = m * k + k $ to $ n = k (m + 1) $ -$ k * (m + 1) $ is a multiple of N -$ (m + 1) $ is a divisor of N --That is, a divisor of $ m = N-1 $
--List the divisors of N and verify that $ n = k ((divisor of N-1) + 1) $ holds.
* n = m*k+k
* = k(m+1)
* (m+1)If is a divisor of N, then k*(m+1)Is a multiple of N
* -> m=Divisor of N-If 1,(m+1)はDivisor of Nになる
private void solveD() {
long numN = nextLong();
if (numN < 2) {
*List of divisors
long max = (long) Math.sqrt(numN);
List<Long> wk = LongStream.range(1, max + 1).collect(() -> new ArrayList<Long>(), (t, i) -> {
if (numN % i == 0) {
if (i != numN / i) {
t.add(numN / i);
// if (i * i != numN && i <= numN / 2) {
// wk.add(numN / i);
// }
}, (t, u) -> {
*divisor-Take out 1 and judge the following
* floor(n/divisor-1) == n % divisor-1)
long res = wk.stream().reduce(0L, (sum, i) -> {
long tmp = i - 1;
if (tmp > 0 && numN / tmp == numN % tmp) {
sum += tmp;
return sum;
The one I tried on the table
private void solveD2() {
int numN = nextInt();
long res = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < numN; i++) {
if (numN / i == numN % i) {
res += i;
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