[PYTHON] What to do if ʻObject arrays cannot be loaded when allow_pickle = False` occurs in numpy.load ()

--numpy 1.16.3 or later


Python code example


Examples of errors that occur

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-37-1db66562b57b> in <module>
----> 1 np.load('tmp.npy')

~/venv/aep/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/npyio.py in load(file, mmap_mode, allow_pickle, fix_imports, encoding)
    451             else:
    452                 return format.read_array(fid, allow_pickle=allow_pickle,
--> 453                                          pickle_kwargs=pickle_kwargs)
    454         else:
    455             # Try a pickle

~/venv/aep/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/format.py in read_array(fp, allow_pickle, pickle_kwargs)
    720         # The array contained Python objects. We need to unpickle the data.
    721         if not allow_pickle:
--> 722             raise ValueError("Object arrays cannot be loaded when "
    723                              "allow_pickle=False")
    724         if pickle_kwargs is None:

ValueError: Object arrays cannot be loaded when allow_pickle=False


Since numpy v1.16.3, the behavior of thenumpy.load ()function has changed.

Change before After change
allow_pickleThe default value for the option isTrue allow_pickleThe default value for the option isFalse


After confirming that there are no ** security concerns ** described later, specify the ʻallow_pickle` option as shown below.

np.load('/path/to/file.npy', allow_pickle=True)


numpy matrix and dtype

The numpy matrix (np.ndarray) can store strings and Python objects as well as numbers. The type of stored value is reflected in the attribute dtype.

Vulnerability in numpy v1.16.0

A vulnerability has been reported that could allow malicious code to be executed when serializing a numpy matrix (a file that serializes) containing Python objects with np.load (). (However, there is a counterargument regarding this vulnerability)

Therefore, from v1.16.3, the default behavior ofnp.load ()is changed as described above, and if dtype is a Python object, if ʻallow_pickle = False, ValueError` is thrown. It was way. It can be said that it is a specification change to push it to the safer side.

Security concerns

As a matter of course, don't np.load (allow_pickle = True) for ** untrusted files **. As mentioned in the previous section, it is possible to execute arbitrary code.

There is usually no problem with ad hoc code such as data formatting by Jupyter and machine learning [^ 1]. Note that application developers use Python.

NG example
`np.load (allow_pickle)` for files uploaded by users
OK example
`np.load (allow_pickle)`` serialized files in the system

[^ 1]: There is a problem with the * .npy file given by a malicious colleague (?).

Isn't this a Breaking Change?

Of course, I think it's a Breaking Change because it changes the behavior of the application.

Python's math library may have a tendency to be safe if you change the default value. [^ 2] If you think that it's okay because it's a revision upgrade, it will hurt. Please be careful of application engineers who have entered from other languages.

[^ 2]: Other examples include the default value of n_estimator in sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier.

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