[Heroku] At the time of deployment We're sorry, but something went wrong. Solution

I built it in a local environment and deployed it on Heroku, but I got this screen. スクリーンショット 2020-12-19 18.43.35.png We're sorry, but something went wrong.


The development environment (deveropment) was MySQL, but Heroku's standard database is PostgreSQL, but it was still MySQL.


Add the following to gem and apply postgreSQL in production environment.

group :production do
  gem 'pg', '>= 0.18', '< 2.0'

Bundle install, but add --without production because it is only in the development environment and not needed in the production environment.

$ bundle install --without production

Then edit database.yml. I think it looks like this by default.


  <<: *default
  database: <app_name>_production
  username: <app_name>
  password: <%= ENV['<app_name>_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] %>

Rewrite this like this.


  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  pool: 5
  database: <app_name>_production
  username: <app_name>
  password: <%= ENV['<app_name>_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] %>

After that, do heroku push and don't forget to do heroku run rails db: migrate``` and it's OK!

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