Notes on resolving references to packages in Python projects in IntelliJ IDEA (PyCharm)

When you open a Python program in IntelliJ (or PyCharm), it doesn't automatically resolve package references by default.


I saw it officially, but it was a little difficult to understand, so I will summarize it here.

Open the Project Structure screen with File> Project Structure or ⌘ +; in the menu.

スクリーンショット 2017-02-12 12.33.39.png

SDK is not set in Project SDK.

Select Python SDK ⇛ ʻAdd Local from New`.

Since I am using Anaconda in my environment, I will specify the following bus.

$ which python

スクリーンショット 2017-02-12 12.37.34.png

Since I was able to set the SDK, ʻOK` as it is.

The IDE will automatically index the rest.

スクリーンショット 2017-02-12 12.40.10.png


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