Python> PEP8> You should use two spaces after a sentence-ending period.> Example

Summary about pythonic style (1): PEP8 The following part that I was interested in reading

Comments Put two spaces after the Kuten in the document

The original text is below.

You should use two spaces after a sentence-ending period.

The discussion about this is below.

Introduced in that discussion

NPE answered Feb 5 '14 at 8:36 I've had a look at the standard library source code, and my conclusion is that this particular aspect of the style guide is not followed consistently: some standard modules follow it and some don't.

Example of compliance From line 231 onwards.

 if cte == 'base64':
        data = _encode_base64(data, max_line_length=msg.policy.max_line_length)
    elif cte == 'quoted-printable':
        # XXX: quoprimime.body_encode won't encode newline characters in data,
        # so we can't use it.  This means max_line_length is ignored.  Another
        # bug to fix later.  (Note: encoders.quopri is broken on line ends.)
        data = binascii.b2a_qp(data, istext=False, header=False, quotetabs=True)
        data = data.decode('ascii')

There certainly seem to be two spaces in front of Another.

As a guess, there are spaces between words in documents such as English. It seems to be the idea of separating sentences with two spaces to clarify the sentence delimiter. There are no spaces between words in Japanese comments, so is it necessary to apply the same rules?

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Python> PEP8> You should use two spaces after a sentence-ending period.> Example
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