This is a memo of v20-python-samples which is a sample of OANDA V20 python lib. You can use it like a command line tool that allows you to check the API.
The installation procedure is basically based on the linux environment, but it can also be installed on windows. For the following commands in the procedure, manually do the same in the Windows environment below
make bootstrap
virtualenv -p python3 env
env\Scripts\pip install -r requirements/base.txt
source env/bin/activate
v20-account-details details will give you an account summary and a balance for each currency pair.
Account xxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxx
=============================== ==============================
Account ID xxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxx
Alias Primary
Home Currency JPY
Balance 374585.0125
Created by User ID xxxxxxx
Create Time 2020-07-09T03:27:35.393967207Z
Guaranteed Stop Loss Order Mode DISABLED
Profit/Loss -72865.1901
Resettable Profit/Loss -72865.1901
Profit/Loss Reset Time 0
Financing -2496.2074
Commission 0.0
Guaranteed Execution Fees 0.0
Margin Rate 0.04
Open Trade Count 0
Open Position Count 0
Pending Order Count 0
Hedging Enabled False
Unrealized Profit/Loss 0.0
Net Asset Value 374585.0125
Margin Used 0.0
Margin Available 374585.0125
Position Value 0.0
Closeout UPL 0.0
Closeout NAV 374585.0125
Closeout Margin Used 0.0
Margin Closeout Percentage 0.0
Margin Closeout Position Value 0.0
Withdrawal Limit 374585.0125
Last Transaction ID 6143
=============================== ==============================
13 Open Positions
============ ========= ================ ========== ==========
Instrument P/L Unrealized P/L Long Short
============ ========= ================ ========== ==========
AUD_JPY -4643.11 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
AUD_USD -13941.5 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
EUR_AUD -4197.54 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
EUR_CAD 2187.31 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
EUR_GBP -4444.72 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
EUR_JPY -13217.7 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
EUR_USD 13787.9 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
GBP_AUD 6820.85 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
GBP_JPY -17401.3 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
GBP_USD -5079.87 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
USD_CAD -5946.91 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
USD_CHF -9440.97 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
USD_JPY -17347.7 0 0.0 @ None 0.0 @ None
============ ========= ================ ========== ==========
v20-account-instruments A list of currencies that can be handled and magnification etc. will be displayed
71 Instruments
======= ======== ====== =============
Name Type Pip Margin Rate
======= ======== ====== =============
AUD_CAD CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
AUD_CHF CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
AUD_HKD CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
AUD_JPY CURRENCY 0.01 25:1 (0.04)
AUD_NZD CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
AUD_SGD CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
AUD_USD CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
CAD_CHF CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
CAD_HKD CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
CAD_JPY CURRENCY 0.01 25:1 (0.04)
CAD_SGD CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
CHF_HKD CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
CHF_JPY CURRENCY 0.01 20:1 (0.05)
CHF_ZAR CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
EUR_AUD CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
EUR_CAD CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
EUR_CHF CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
EUR_CZK CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
EUR_DKK CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
EUR_GBP CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
EUR_HKD CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
EUR_HUF CURRENCY 0.01 20:1 (0.05)
EUR_JPY CURRENCY 0.01 25:1 (0.04)
EUR_NOK CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
EUR_NZD CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
EUR_PLN CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
EUR_SEK CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
EUR_SGD CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
EUR_TRY CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
EUR_USD CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
EUR_ZAR CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
GBP_AUD CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
GBP_CAD CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
GBP_CHF CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
GBP_HKD CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
GBP_JPY CURRENCY 0.01 20:1 (0.05)
GBP_NZD CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
GBP_PLN CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
GBP_SGD CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
GBP_USD CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
GBP_ZAR CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
HKD_JPY CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
NZD_CAD CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
NZD_CHF CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
NZD_HKD CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
NZD_JPY CURRENCY 0.01 25:1 (0.04)
NZD_SGD CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
NZD_USD CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
SGD_CHF CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
SGD_HKD CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
SGD_JPY CURRENCY 0.01 20:1 (0.05)
TRY_JPY CURRENCY 0.01 10:1 (0.1)
USD_CAD CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
USD_CHF CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
USD_CNH CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
USD_CZK CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
USD_DKK CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
USD_HKD CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
USD_HUF CURRENCY 0.01 20:1 (0.05)
USD_INR CURRENCY 0.01 20:1 (0.05)
USD_JPY CURRENCY 0.01 25:1 (0.04)
USD_MXN CURRENCY 0.0001 12:1 (0.08)
USD_NOK CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
USD_PLN CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
USD_SAR CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
USD_SEK CURRENCY 0.0001 25:1 (0.04)
USD_SGD CURRENCY 0.0001 20:1 (0.05)
USD_THB CURRENCY 0.01 20:1 (0.05)
USD_TRY CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
USD_ZAR CURRENCY 0.0001 10:1 (0.1)
ZAR_JPY CURRENCY 0.01 10:1 (0.1)
======= ======== ====== =============
v20-transaction-range Check the transaction history within the range of transaction IDs. Since there is no detailed information, it is a pity or troublesome to have to obtain detailed information separately Also, I want to take it within the date range, but this sample does not have it.
v20-transaction-range.exe 4000 9999
#### **`v20-transaction-range`**
Transaction 4000: Create Take Profit Order 4000 (ON_FILL): Close Trade 3999 @ 71.693
Transaction 4001: Create Stop Loss Order 4001 (ON_FILL): Close Trade 3999 @ 68.745
Transaction 4002: Cancel Order 4000
Transaction 4003: Create Take Profit Order 4003 (REPLACEMENT): Close Trade 3999 @ 71.693
Transaction 4004: Cancel Order 4001
Transaction 4005: Create Stop Loss Order 4005 (REPLACEMENT): Close Trade 3999 @ 68.736
Transaction 4006: Fill Order 3998 (STOP_LOSS_ORDER): -14604.0 of GBP_USD @ 1.24422
Transaction 4007: Fill Order 4005 (STOP_LOSS_ORDER): -17552.0 of AUD_JPY @ 68.736
Transaction 4008: Cancel Order 4003
Transaction 4009: Fill Order 3995 (STOP_LOSS_ORDER): -18483.0 of AUD_USD @ 0.64342
Transaction 4010: Create Market Order 4010 (CLIENT_ORDER): -8925.0 of AUD_JPY
Transaction 4011: Fill Order 4010 (MARKET_ORDER): -8925.0 of AUD_JPY @ 68.308
Transaction 4012: Create Take Profit Order 4012 (ON_FILL): Close Trade 4011 @ 65.534
Transaction 4013: Create Stop Loss Order 4013 (ON_FILL): Close Trade 4011 @ 68.64
Transaction 4014: Create Market Order 4014 (CLIENT_ORDER): 8405.0 of EUR_GBP
Transaction 4015: Fill Order 4014 (MARKET_ORDER): 8405.0 of EUR_GBP @ 0.87327
You can narrow down the transaction type by specifying the type.
v20-transaction-range.exe --type ORDER_FILL 4000 9999
Transaction 4006: Fill Order 3998 (STOP_LOSS_ORDER): -14604.0 of GBP_USD @ 1.24422
Transaction 4007: Fill Order 4005 (STOP_LOSS_ORDER): -17552.0 of AUD_JPY @ 68.736
Transaction 4009: Fill Order 3995 (STOP_LOSS_ORDER): -18483.0 of AUD_USD @ 0.64342
Transaction 4011: Fill Order 4010 (MARKET_ORDER): -8925.0 of AUD_JPY @ 68.308
Transaction 4015: Fill Order 4014 (MARKET_ORDER): 8405.0 of EUR_GBP @ 0.87327
Transaction 4025: Fill Order 4024 (MARKET_ORDER_TRADE_CLOSE): -8405.0 of EUR_GBP @ 0.8733
Transaction 4029: Fill Order 4028 (MARKET_ORDER_TRADE_CLOSE): 8925.0 of AUD_JPY @ 68.372
v20-transaction-get Check the transaction ID for details.
id: '4100'
time: '2020-04-19T14:17:16.552497903Z'
userID: 2202754
accountID: xxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxx
batchID: '4100'
orderID: '4099'
instrument: USD_CAD
units: 16311.0
gainQuoteHomeConversionFactor: 77.674
lossQuoteHomeConversionFactor: 77.693
price: 1.38913
fullVWAP: 1.38913
type: PRICE
- price: 1.38894
liquidity: '10000000'
- price: 1.38913
liquidity: '10000000'
closeoutBid: 1.38894
closeoutAsk: 1.38913
pl: -1406.6481
financing: 0.0
commission: 0.0
guaranteedExecutionFee: 0.0
accountBalance: 278334.8247
- tradeID: '4098'
units: 16311.0
price: 1.38913
realizedPL: -1406.6481
financing: 0.0
guaranteedExecutionFee: 0.0
halfSpreadCost: 120.3749
halfSpreadCost: 120.3749
I inadvertently posted extra information, so I deleted it and reposted it ...
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