A rough summary of brilliant's algorithm, fundamental algorithm, and data strucuture https://brilliant.org/daily-problems/
When creating a function, it may be faster depending on how you write the code (how to store and handle the data). Memory consumption can be reduced. How do you instruct the computer? First place mechanism / idea
sort(insertion sort, merge sort, quicksort, radix sort) There are several ways to sort data. Use it properly according to the situation such as what kind of data to handle.
insertion sort https://brilliant.org/practice/insertion-sort-2/?p=2 Insert from unsorted to sorted. 0 (n ^ 2))
merge sort https://brilliant.org/practice/mergesort-2/?p=5 Sort by dividing into two. O (nlogn) n times search in two (logn))
quicksort https://brilliant.org/practice/quicksort-2/?p=2 Determine one pivot point. Swap the numbers larger than pivot on the left side with the smaller numbers on the right side
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