Sub-article: GNU, Linux peripheral knowledge organization


GNU 【 GNU is Not Unix 】 A project to develop and publish software groups related to UNIX-like OS using only free software (especially open source software).

About Linux OS

Debian system

Name Description
Kali Linux Debian-derived 1DVD type. It is characterized by being specialized for penetration testing purposes.
Ubuntu Renewal every 6 months and commercial maintenance. GNOME is used as the desktop environment. Live CD specially made by the magazine for personal computer magazines/May be included as a DVD. There are various derivative versions.

Red Hat series

Name Initial release
Red Hat Linux Commercial and personal. Development finished. For personal use, Fedora Core has virtually taken over the development. The commercial version is the successor version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which is based on and stabilized Fedora tested by the Fedora Project.
CentOS Free version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Fedora The experimental element by the Fedora Project, the successor community to Red Hat Linux, is strong.

Arch system

Name Initial release
Arch Linux Use Pacman for your package management system.


Name Initial release
Chrome OS Chrome OS[28][29]Is an OS developed by Google. In February 2010, the parent OS was changed from ubuntu to Gentoo. Chromium OS is an open source version of Google Chrome OS.


Name Initial release
Android Android is an OS for mobile devices developed by Google. x86(64)The version is a Live CD for running android on a pc. The one for 64bit cpu is called x64[31]。CyanogenMod/CyanogenOS CyanogenMod is an OS for mobile terminals that has been discontinued. Derived from Android.
Firefox OS Firefox OS is an obsolete open source operating system designed by Mozilla and external contributors for smartphones, tablet computers and smart TVs.

Linux configuration

The Linux distribution combines the Linux kernel and other software groups into one for easy installation and use by users.

The Linux kernel provides features such as process and socket communication. These are important functions that are the basis for operating various software, but they are very primitive functions that users use. For example, the kernel itself does not have a daemon autostart function when the OS starts, and there is no interactive console function like Bash. All of these features are realized by individual software created by GNU, etc., which uses the Linux kernel.

The Linux distribution is a package of the Linux kernel and these software groups for the convenience of users.


GNU / Linux Distro Timeline, a timeline for various derived Linux distributions. In addition to the kernel, it collects basic UNIX tools and utilities, and other software for servers and desktop environments, builds them, and creates and provides binary packages. Due to the form of using binary packages, it is almost essential to adopt some kind of binary package system such as rpm and deb, and package management systems higher than apt and yum are also almost indispensable in modern times.

-Linux kernel

・ Essential tools, utilities and libraries

util-linux (en:Util-linux)
GNU Core Utilities (Also with coreutils. Old fileutils, shellutils,All textutils have been incorporated into coreutils)
Bourne Shell Compatible shell (unlike other shells)/bin/Required as sh(Dash on Debian/bin/Often used for sh))
Unix shell
glibc The GNU C Library project is the GNU system and GNU/It provides core libraries for Linux systems and many other systems that use Linux as their kernel. These libraries are ISO C11, POSIX.1-It provides important APIs including 2008, BSD, OS specific APIs and more. These APIs include open, read, write, malloc, printf, getaddrinfo, dlopen, pthread_It includes basic functionality such as create, crypt, login and exit. The GNU C Library is designed to be backward compatible, portable, and a high-performance ISO C library.

・ What you need to start init Basic files such as / etc Boot loaders like GRUB and LILO

·editor Emacs nano vim

・ Compiler, etc. GNU Binutils (binutils) GCC

・ Script language awk perl python sed

・ GUI related XFree86, XOrg, a free implementation of X11 GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE as desktop environment Window manager

・ Desktop application Web browser Email client Text editor Office suite Multimedia game

・ Application for server Mail server Web server Database management system

These are examples of software configurations You can install various other software.

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