[PYTHON] Github Interesting Repository ① ~ I found a graphic repository that looks interesting, so I tried it ~


I wrote an article that regularly notifies information from the trend repository on github, but through that, I found a repository that seems to be interesting, so I will share it. This time, I would like to introduce taichi. I wonder if this will be a series (laughs). ** Addendum: Made into a series. The table of contents is here. ** **

What is taichi

** Taichi is a programming language designed for high-performance computer graphics. ** It says above at the beginning of the repository, but I don't know if taichi is a programming language. I interpret taichi as a library for computer graphics written in python (laughs). Please let me know if it is different. ** Addendum: Looking at the docs, it says taichi is a domain-specific language (DSL). For DSL, please see here. ** **

I've tried

To install, just add taichi with pip. Also, since I use gpu, I also need cuda.

pip install taichi
git clone https://github.com/taichi-dev/taichi.git

There is an exmaples folder in the taichi repository, and there are many usage examples in it. This time we will share the code for fractal.py. If you ask a friend who is familiar with mathematics, is it the concept of mathematics called fractal? It seems that you are using. I'll just try this time, so I won't go into it (laughs).


import taichi as ti


n = 320
pixels = ti.field(dtype=float, shape=(n * 2, n))

def complex_sqr(z):
    return ti.Vector([z[0]**2 - z[1]**2, z[1] * z[0] * 2])

def paint(t: float):
    for i, j in pixels:  # Parallized over all pixels
        c = ti.Vector([-0.8, ti.cos(t) * 0.2])
        z = ti.Vector([i / n - 1, j / n - 0.5]) * 2
        iterations = 0
        while z.norm() < 20 and iterations < 50:
            z = complex_sqr(z) + c
            iterations += 1
        pixels[i, j] = 1 - iterations * 0.02

gui = ti.GUI("Julia Set", res=(n * 2, n))

for i in range(1000000):
    paint(i * 0.03)

When you do this, it looks like this: fractal.gif I don't know what it is, but it's amazing (laughs).


Here are some other use cases.

** An interesting guy with dots connected ** mass_spring_game.gif

** Something like water ripples ** waterwave.gif

** Manipulate smoke ** stable_fluid2.gif


taichi It's very interesting, but I don't have enough knowledge of mathematics and physics used in the program. I will study (laughs).

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