cv2 functions and data types (OpenCV python bindings)

Some OpenCV functions have restrictions on the input data type. When executing the cv2. Function () in python, an error may occur due to a mistake in specifying the ddepth of the input data type and output data depth. In the error message, values such as cv2.CV_8U are displayed as integers, so I'm confused as to what the input data type should be and how to specify the ddepth of the output data depth. I have something to do.

Similarly, building from the source code of the cv :: function () in C ++ may fail.

I will make a note so as not to repeat the same mistake.

dilate(...) dilate(src, kernel[, dst[, anchor[, iterations[, borderType[, borderValue]]]]]) -> dst

function CV_8U CV_8S CV_16U CV_16S CV_32S CV_32F CV_64F
value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
np.dtype uint8 int8 uint16 int16 int32 float32 float64
cv2.dilate() o x o o x o o
cv2.erode() o x o o x o o
connectedComponentsWithStats() input o x x x x x x
connectedComponentsWithStats() labels x x o x o x x
connectedComponentsWithStats() stats x x x x o x x
connectedComponentsWithStats() centroids x x x x x x o
function CV_8U CV_8S CV_16U CV_16S CV_32S CV_32F CV_64F
np.dtype uint8 int8 uint16 int16 int32 float32 float64
cv2.Sobel() src o x o o x o o
cv2.Sobel() dst o x o o x o o
cv2.blur() src o x o o o o o
GaussianBlur() src o x o o x o o
filter2D() src o x o o x o o
cartToPolar() src x x x x x o o
polarToCart() src x x x x x o o
magnitude() src x x x x x o o
phase() src x x x x x o o
cv2.sqrt() src x x x x x o o
cvtColor() o x o x x o x

I haven't fully checked the combination yet.

Sobel(...) Sobel(src, ddepth, dx, dy[, dst[, ksize[, scale[, delta[, borderType]]]]]) -> dst

Sobel combination Input image src type: vertical axis Determines the type of output image ddepth: Horizontal axis

CV_8U CV_8S CV_16U CV_16S CV_32S CV_32F CV_64F
np.uint8 o x o o x o o
np.int8 x x x x x x x
np.uint16 o x o o x o o
np.int16 o x o o x o o
np.int32 x x x x x x x
np.float32 o x o o x o o
np.float64 o x o o x x o

Combination of cv2.filter2D (np.array (orgImg, dtype = npt), ddepth, kernel) Input image src type: vertical axis Determines the type of output image ddepth: Horizontal axis

CV_8U CV_8S CV_16U CV_16S CV_32S CV_32F CV_64F
np.uint8 o x o o x o o
np.int8 x x x x x x x
np.uint16 x x o x x o o
np.int16 x x x o x o o
np.int32 x x x x x x x
np.float32 x x x x x o x
np.float64 x x x x x x o
function CV_8U CV_8S CV_16U CV_16S CV_32S CV_32F CV_64F
np.dtype uint8 int8 uint16 int16 int32 float32 float64
cv2.threshold() src o o x x x o x
cv2.floodFill() src o o x x x o x
function CV_8U CV_8S CV_16U CV_16S CV_32S CV_32F CV_64F
np.dtype uint8 int8 uint16 int16 int32 float32 float64
cv2.Canny() src o o x x x x x
cv2.HoughLines()src Binary image o ? x x x x x
cv2.HoughCircles()src Binary image o ? x x x x x
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
u"""OpenCV cv::Check Mat type in Python
import cv2
print cv2.CV_8U
print cv2.CV_8S
print cv2.CV_16U
print cv2.CV_16S
print cv2.CV_32S
print cv2.CV_32F
print cv2.CV_64F

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