[PYTHON] I couldn't brew bundle, so I switched to cider

I personally don't want to dig up the corpse from the boneyard for the bereaved family, so I switched to cider. cider seems to be a Python tool for easy bootstrapping with Homebrew.

Before moving

brew tap homebrew / boneyard and brew bundle in the directory with Brewfile, the white-faced bundle will do his best.

After moving

Assuming bootstrap.json is in ~ / .cider, in any directory

cider restore

Then you can do the same thing as brew bundle, or you can not only brew install and brew cask install but also hook various things, so it seems that you can do a little more in-depth initial setting of the development environment.

Authorized .cider

I put .zshrc and .gitignore stored in dotfiles with symlinks as symbolic links in my home directory, and do rbenv init with ʻafter-scripts`.


I need python.

pip install cider

You have to install Homebrew yourself.

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Generation of configuration file and migration of existing environment

You can spit out the environment already installed with Homebrew to bootstrap.json.

mkdir ~/.cider
touch ~/.cider/bootstrap.json
cider missing
cider cask missing

Now put the .cider around dotfiles, commit and exit.


Since both python and ruby are in a clean OS X, the shell script for bootstrap looks like this.

sudo easy_install -U cider
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
git clone my dotfiles
ln -s dotfiles/.cider $HOME/.cider
cider restore

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