ns = random.sample(range(15,83), 9)
def decide_coice(count, CHOICE_dict):
(ns[count*3], CHOICE_dict[ns[count*3]]),
(ns[count*3+1], CHOICE_dict[ns[count*3+1]]),
(ns[count*3+2], CHOICE_dict[ns[count*3+2]])
return CHOICEs
CHOICE_dict = {
15:'Salad type',
16:'Vegetable stick',
82: 'Fruit ice cream',
(15,'Salad type'),
(82, 'Fruit ice cream'),
class RadioForm(forms.Form):
select = forms.ChoiceField(label='Liquor', widget=forms.RadioSelect, choices= CHOICESAKE, initial=2)
select2 = forms.ChoiceField(label='Attribute 2', widget=forms.RadioSelect, choices= decide_coice(0, CHOICE_dict), initial=15)
select3 = forms.ChoiceField(label='Attribute 3', widget=forms.RadioSelect, choices= decide_coice(1, CHOICE_dict), initial=15)
select4 = forms.ChoiceField(label='Attribute 4', widget=forms.RadioSelect, choices= decide_coice(2,CHOICE_dict), initial=15)
Write a process to receive input in forms. CHICE and CHICE_dict are available for processing convenience. There is always a way to handle it well with one. Since the liquor classification process has not been completed from the image yet, the liquor value is given by CHOICE SAKE. I want to give the number of sake here.
A random number is generated and the snacks corresponding to that number are displayed as a quiz.
def new(request):
params = {'message': '', 'form': None}
if request.method == 'POST':
#form = QuizForm(request.POST)
form = RadioForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
redirect_url = '/newview'
form = urlencode(QuizForm(request.POST))
url = f'{redirect_url}?{form}'
return redirect(url)
key = (int(['select']), int(['select2']), int(['select3']), int(['select4']))
return recommend(request, key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3])
params['message'] = 'Please re-enter'
params['form'] = form
params['form'] = RadioForm()
return render(request, 'frontend/new.html', params)
He made a quiz page, but I couldn't stand to touch it, so I made a quiz with new.
form = RadioForm (request.POST)
and form
contains the result of the quiz with Queryset type.
If the value is normal when sending the quiz, press return recommend (request, key [0], key [1], key [2], key [3])
to move to the next process.
I have a problem here
I really wanted to page transition to ** frontend / recommend ** and display the result, but I didn't know how to pass json data.
It seems that the two can be realized, so I chose the second one. As a result, the processing is always done at the URL of _ / new_. I also implemented the third one.
The arguments are all ints, and this number comes out first and corresponds to the CHOICE number.
return recommend (request, liquor number, snack number 1, snack number 2, snack number 3)
The processing flow is as follows
findsameperson ()
get_simiralities ()
predict ()
quizAnser = [CHOICE_dict[one+3], CHOICE_dict[two], CHOICE_dict[three], CHOICE_dict[four]]
#Target data obtained from images and quizzes
target_sake = target_items_list[one+3]
first_otsumami = {target_items_list[two] : two}
second_otsumami = {target_items_list[three] : three}
target_data = [first_otsumami, second_otsumami]
sample_lists = list(Sample.objects.all().values())
#Get sample data of people with high evaluation of selected sake
samePersonList = findsamePerson(target_sake, sample_lists)
#Calculate similarity
similarities = get_similarities(samePersonList, target_data)
ranking = predict(samePersonList, similarities, target_items_list, CHOICE_dict)
params = {
'title': 'title',
'massage': similarities,
'Type of liquor':quizAnser[0],
'Snack 1':quizAnser[1],
'Snack 2':quizAnser[2],
'Snack 3':quizAnser[3],
'First place':ranking[0][0],
'quizAnser': quizAnser,
'data': ranking,
return render(request, 'frontend/recommend.html', context=params)
def findsamePerson(target_sake, sample_lists):#(str, list[dict])
#Extract samples with a target liquor rating of 5
#Put the data (dictionary type) of people with high evaluation in the samePersonList
samePersonList = []
for item in sample_lists:
if item[target_sake] >= 3:
return samePersonList
params = {
'title': 'title',
'massage': similarities,
'Type of liquor':quizAnser[0],#str
'Snack 1':quizAnser[1],#str
'Snack 2':quizAnser[2],
'Snack 3':quizAnser[3],
'First place':ranking[0][0],#str
'quizAnser': quizAnser,#List of input result names(str)[Sake, Otsu 1, Otsu 2, Otsu 3]
'data': ranking,#dict list=[{Snack name 1:Degree of similarity},{Snack name 2:Degree of similarity}...]Degree of similarityでソート済み
return render(request, 'frontend/recommend.html', context=params)
The key (left) of params is the label that can be used in html, and the value (right) is the actual contents.
<h2>Your snacks today are ...</h2>
<img src="{% static 'frontend/img/result/salad.jpg' %}">
<h2>{{First place}}!!!</h2>
<p>{{Type of liquor}}Perfect for{{First place}}is.<br>
In addition to salads, the following ingredients are also recommended.<br>
If you are not good at salads or want to eat other snacks, please refer to it.</p>
{% for item, similarities in data %}
{{forloop.counter}}Rank:{{item}}【point】: {{similarities}}
{% endfor %}
You can output the value of params with {{key}}, and you can use python functions with {%%}, so you are looping.
↓ Output screen
It's a hellish task to enter manually. Currently only about 20 can be registered I will do it while watching a movie
I will eat ramen. If there are any strange things or improvements, please ask on slack! I have time tomorrow!
How to redirect using Django and JavaScript (JS) Send and receive JSON with Django Json on Django [Django] Install radio buttons and format markup Redirect by passing parameters ( Delete DB in model (ModelChoiceField) Display a radio button that refers to another model on the registration screen (Django) I don't understand the logic of screen transition how to convert Querydict to python dict form basics Generate a form from a model
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