[PYTHON] WEB camera capture Ver3

The one created last time. Webcam capture Ver2

The last time was a program that used GPIO.

This time, a shooting program that specifies the number of shots.

The basic configuration is the same as last time.



import cv2
import os,os.path
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import time

I added pathlib to the basic configuration.

I'm investigating various things around here, so it's quite appropriate.

Definition of save destination and file name


save_dir_path = 'Destination'
filename = 'file name'

It doesn't matter where you like. Recently, I created a folder on the desktop and saved the program in it. I try to save the captured image.

Creating a directory


base_path = os.path.join(save_dir_path,filename)
datename = datetime.now().strftime('%m%d%H%M')

It's as usual.

Definition of device used


device_id = 0
width = 640
height = 480
fps = 30

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(device_id)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, fps)

This time I found a description of the downlink that can set the function of Opencv while investigating I decided to try it out, and the description is very popular.

Well, if you just shoot, there is no problem with cv2.VideoCapture ().



n = 0
while True:
    ret,frame = cap.read()
    key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF 

    cv2.imwrite((base_path + datename +'_'+ str(n) + ".png "),frame)
    pathl,dirsl,filesl = next(os.walk(save_dir_path))
    file_count = len(filesl)
    n += 1

    if file_count == 100:

This time, shooting started at the same time as the program started I am trying to count the number of files in the save destination directory.

The program will stop when the set value is reached.

If true, put ʻif key == ord ('s'):beforecv2.imwriteand press the keyboard I wanted to start shooting NameError: name'file_count' is not defined` occurs.

I did a lot of research, but I couldn't solve it, so I decided to go with it.


I try to do this even with one program, so my brain can't handle it, and wisdom fever is generated ... I think I have no choice but to improve the things I made one by one. Well, I'm doing it while uploading shobo things and writhing.

that's all.

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