[PYTHON] Verification of normal distribution

what is this

We've made it easier with docker to verify that your data is normally distributed.

How to use

When testing with dummy data


python -c "import numpy; print(str(list(numpy.random.normal(size=100)))\
  .strip('[]'))" | docker run -i --rm tsutomu7/test_normal > test.htm
firefox test.htm

If you do the above, it will be displayed as below.


When testing from a file (data.csv)


docker run -i --rm tsutomu7/test_normal < data.csv > test.htm
firefox test.htm

What you are doing

--Check the number of data (is it large enough) --Histogram display (bell-shaped) --QQ plot display (whether it is lined up on a straight line) --Shapiro-Wilk test

If you use a uniform distribution as shown below, it will not be judged as a normal distribution.


python -c "import numpy; print(str(list(numpy.random.random(size=1000)))\
  .strip('[]'))" | docker run -i --rm tsutomu7/test_normal > test.htm
firefox test.htm

that's all

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