Let's implement Go's REST API Server with a focus on the Clean Architecture-like package structure. In addition, Go's web framework echo and DI code generator wire are incorporated.
With this configuration, there is no actual operation record, so I first thought about it as a starting point. There seems to be room for improvement.
├── cmd
│ └── server
├── db
├── domain
│ ├── model
│ └── repository
├── handler
├── infra
│ └── mysql
├── response
├── router
└── usecase
The main file for starting sever.
Connection information to db. Migration information may also be placed here. It may be placed in infra.
The domain logic of a single entity is described here.
Persistence information interface.
Handler county called from echo endpoint processing. Here, the configuration was set to Dependeny Injection using wire.
Implementation details of persistence processing.
Determine the response format here according to your requirements.
Aggregate the routing endpoint definitions for echo.
Describe application logic other than domain logic here.
I feel that it fits well enough to start in the use case and carry around the DB session as an argument. (Although the persistence implementation details are not contained in infra,)
If you want to do it more strictly, you can prepare a separate DB tag in the structure with infra and convert it to each other with model, but if possible, I would like to carry around the model struct as it is and reduce the number of steps.
Should I prepare a nested structure in domain / service
and receive the query result in infra?
type (
Joined struct {
Clean Architecture Software structure and design learned from masters https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout https://future-architect.github.io/articles/20200528/