[PYTHON] The result of analyzing Kant's "criticism of judgment" that I did not read at all was interesting

I came across an interesting idea of ** word2vec **. ** Word to (2) Vector ** means that by vectorizing words, computers can understand the meaning of words and add or subtract with word verbs. For example, you will be able to formulate a formula such as "father"-"man" = "mother". And the result of this calculation formula depends on the sentence to be learned. In other words, you can read the thoughts of the author of the text! (?)

This project is to use this to understand Kant's "criticism of judgment" that he has never read. Get it for free from Kant's Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant, analyze "Critique of Judgment" using word2vec, and read that Immanuel Kant's thoughts.

Chapter 1: First, let's briefly understand the idea of Word2vec

If you know the mechanism, the future story will be easier to understand and interesting, so start from there. If you are not interested in the mechanism at all, go to the main subject of Chapter 2!

Word2vec is to vectorize words as mentioned at the beginning. It's about plotting words on hundreds of thousands of dimensions. For example, suppose there is gender on the x-axis and age on the y-axis. Let's think in two dimensions in an easy-to-understand manner. Then, it can be understood as shown in the figure below.

Screenshot 2019-11-11 at 22.13.42.png

By increasing the number of such axes by hundreds or thousands, it becomes possible to understand many words.

Chapter 2: Think of Kant's thoughts by looking at similar words

Using the word2vec concept, you can find words with similar vectors used in a sentence. By looking at similar vectors, Kant can see which word is closer to the nuance of which word. Looking at the results, we will consider what kind of sensibility Kant has. The analysis results are summarized in Google Sheets.

First, I looked up the word "Judgment" in "Critique of Judgment." Then, the result as shown in the figure below was output. These are words that have a vector close to the word Judgment from above.

The first thing you'll notice is that the word taste is the closest. I haven't read it, but I knew that it didn't mean "taste", so when I compared the usage of taste in the text with the dictionary of taste, I used it to mean "aesthetic eye (of literary arts, art, etc.)". It seemed to be done. Does it mean that judgment has an aesthetic eye?

In addition, words such as "principle", "concept", and "purposiveness" are also digging into the upper ranks, so it is necessary to have something like a fundamental axis for judgment, and it is necessary to have a sense of purpose. Conceivable.

Screenshot 2019-11-11 at 22.13.48.png

Next, I examined the criticism (Critique). The results shown in the figure below are output.

It was a very interesting result that the judgment was the closest to the criticism. It seems that the judgment to criticize is important. The fact that the words "freedom" and "universal" dig into the upper ranks seems to be a great hint to read the image of the word "criticism" that Kant thinks.

Screenshot 2019-11-11 at 22.13.53.png

Finally, consider the God that produced the results that you found interesting. The result is shown in the figure below. The closest "as" is translated as "like", so it's interesting that God was close to it. But above all, because the words Nature, Existance, and sensible have close vectors, Kant thinks of the existence of God as a naturally occurring and thoughtful one. It is thought that there is. Screenshot 2019-11-11 at 22.13.58.png

I've searched for various other words, so please take a look at the other results and drop your thoughts. Other results = critique_of_judgement.model

Chapter 3: Arithmetic with Kant's vocabulary

Vectorizing the words Kant uses allows us to form expressions with those words. If you subtract the concept of B from the concept of A, you will be able to guess what will remain for him. Let's see immediately

Judgment + Critique = aesthetical

When I added judgment and criticism, the word aesthetic came out. I thought that this act of criticizing judgment itself might require aesthetics.

Judgment + freedom = representation

The word expression came out when the concepts of judgment and freedom were added together. Kant thinks that it will be possible to express by making free judgment, and that it will be necessary to express.

Human + universal = intuition

This formula is also very interesting. It made me think that the universal commonality of human beings is that we can judge with a sense of intuition.


When I read (not read) a philosopher's book using the idea of word2vec, I got very interesting results. However, if you are reading "Critique of Judgment", you can't do it at all! May be yelled at. .. ..

But it was very interesting, so I want you to look up such a sentence in the same way! Please comment if you have any! I would like to try it.

It is very interesting that new approaches can be taken in the field of humanities as technology advances in this way. It would be interesting if the lessons were like this for ancient writing, Chinese writing, and of course philosophy.

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