I am developing a web API with API Gateway + Lambda + DynamoDB. I had to write data to DynamoDB with a Lambda function and delete that data after 5 minutes. Therefore, I considered the following method. -Delete the data after 5 minutes using the TTL function of DyanamoDB -Call Lambda to delete data after 5 minutes from Lambda to write data
First, I checked the TTL function of DynamoDB, but there was a description that TTL will delete items that have expired within 48 hours from the expiration date
, and it was not possible to set to always delete after 5 minutes.
Next, consider calling a Lambda that deletes data from the Lambda that writes the data
As a result of investigation, it seems that it can be realized by using AWS Step Functions. I will implement it.
The runtime grants access to Python 3.8, DynamoDB and Step Functions. Write data to DynamoDB with the following Lambda function and call StateMachine. Pass userId as a parameter to StateMachine.
import boto3
client = boto3.client('stepfunctions')
dynamoDB = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
#Table to write data
table = dynamoDB.Table('test')
#Call State Machine
stateMachineArn = 'State Machine ARN'
#Write data to DynamoDB
table.put_item(Item={'data': data})
#Call StateMachine
input = {"parameters":{"userId":userId}}
stateMachineArn = stateMachineArn,
input = json.dumps(input)
return {'statusCode': 200, 'body': "writeData"}
Create a State Machine with the following definition. Give your State Machine access to Lambda.
"StartAt": "wait_5_miutes",
"States": {
"wait_5_miutes": {
"Type": "Wait",
"Seconds": 300,
"Next": "deleteData"
"deleteData": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "ARN of the Lambda function that deletes the data",
"Parameters": {
"userId.$": "$.parameters.userId"
"End": true
Delete the data from StateMachine by executing the following Lambda function.
import boto3
dynamoDB = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamoDB.Table('test')
#Called by StateMachine
def lambda_handler(event, context):
#Receive parameters from StateMachine
userId = event['userId']
#Find the data to be deleted
searchResult = table.get_item(Key={'userId': userId})
if "Item" in searchResult:
table.delete_item(Key={'userId': userId})
return {'statusCode': 200, 'body': "deleteData"}
By using AWS Step Functions, we were able to realize write data to DynamoDB and delete that data after 5 minutes
I'd like to try it because it seems that more complicated processing can be done.
https://qiita.com/ketancho/items/147a141c9f8a6de86c97 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/getting-started/hands-on/create-a-serverless-workflow-step-functions-lambda/
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