[PYTHON] [Statistics] An ordinary engineer started studying statistics


Mathematics is a little dekill Ordinary backend engineer The story of studying statistics

The key to learning

In Python 3 data analysis test I couldn't solve the statistical problem

What is statistics?

Discipline to find better ways to use data Or such fields

What is data?

Some kind of information. here Dealing with digital data

Data type

There are mainly two types. Data you already have Data not yet available


The frequency and rate at which certain data appears Example) How many times do you get a 6 when you roll the dice 10 times?

Random variable

Value that appeared by a certain probability Value calculated by affecting the probability (P) Example) 6 rolls on the dice


Includes data not yet available Refers to all data Example) The dice of all the world


The data you have


Obtaining a sample from the population The sample size is called ** sample size **.

Types of statistics

Descriptive statistics: summarizing existing data Statistical inference: Guessing data that you haven't got yet

Great cousin of statistics

Data obtained in the future You can make predictions and analyze trends.


It's hard because there are many terms Try to prepare paper properly and study math thought.


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