Since the font size and window size are large in Zoom for Linux, I made it smaller


I thought that the default font would be big from some day, but I didn't have any trouble with talking and viewing the presentation slides, so I used it as it was. The other day, when I attended an online conference, I was in trouble because I had a login questionnaire (the questionnaire is displayed in a pop-up immediately after entering the room). Because the font is so big that the window doesn't fit on the desktop and the button to send the answer is located in the margin of the desktop and can't be pressed.

Before: Before

As a result of searching for a way to reduce the font size, I found it, so I will leave it here as a memo. I hope it will be good information for those who have the same problems.

change point

I modified the ~ / .config / zoomus.conf file as shown below and restarted the Zoom app.


After: After

Other information

It was not suitable for my environment, but since it was described as information, I will describe it here.

There was no change in my environment, but reference [2] states that the scaleFactor should be changed from 1 to 2.

It was also written in reference [1] to specify environment variables as shown below. I haven't done it because it collapsed in my environment.

$ export QT_SCALE_FACTOR=0.50
$ zoom





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