[PYTHON] Converts numbers with commas and triangles to numeric types.

1 This article is

I will post the code to convert the numerical value with △ and, described in the securities report to the numerical type that python can handle.

2 Code creation example

pattern 1

In the case of'△ 45,931'



def conv(moji):
    moji=moji.replace('△', '-')
    moji=moji.split(' ')[-1]
    moji=moji.replace(',', '') 
    return moji

print(type(moji))  ##<class 'int'>
print(moji)        ##-45931

Pattern 2

In the case of'* 1 889,341'


moji='※1 889,341'
def conv(moji):
    moji=moji.replace('△', '-')
    moji=moji.split(' ')[-1]
    moji=moji.replace(',', '') 
    return moji

print(type(moji)) #<class 'int'>
print(moji) #889341

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