Geometry> Clockwise angle calculation of two vectors> Link: python implementation / C implementation


Calculate the angle between one vector and another. The angle is in the clockwise direction.

Below is the python implementation.

The determinant comes out. Ad-bc for 2x2. For 3x3, use Saras's formula.

I made the above python implementation the C implementation I need. Naming is quite appropriate.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

float get_length(float vs[2])
	return sqrt( pow(vs[0],2) + pow(vs[1],2) );
float get_dot_product(float vs[2], float ws[2])
	return vs[0]*ws[0] + vs[1]*ws[1];	
float get_determinant(float vs[2], float ws[2])
	return vs[0]*ws[1] - vs[1]*ws[0];	
float get_inner_product(float vs[2], float ws[2])
	float cosx = get_dot_product(vs,ws);
	cosx = cosx / (get_length(vs) * get_length(ws));
	float rad = acos(cosx);
	return rad * 180.0 / acos(-1.0);
float get_angle_clockwise(float As[2], float Bs[2])
	float inner = get_inner_product(As, Bs);
	float det = get_determinant(As, Bs);
	if (det < 0.0) {
		return inner;
	} else {
		return 360.0 - inner;

float get_angle_clockwise_wrapper(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2)
	float Xs[2];
	float Ys[2];
	Xs[0] = x1;
	Xs[1] = x2;
	Ys[0] = y1;
	Ys[1] = y2;
	return get_angle_clockwise(Xs, Ys);

int main(void) {
	printf("%f \n", get_angle_clockwise_wrapper(0,1, 1,0));
	printf("%f \n", get_angle_clockwise_wrapper(1,0, 0,1));
	printf("%f \n", get_angle_clockwise_wrapper(0,1, 1,1));

	return 0;


Success	time: 0 memory: 2156 signal:0

In the above python implementation (and C implementation based on it), if two vectors overlap, the angle will be 360 degrees instead of 0 degrees </ font> This area needs to be corrected as appropriate.

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