[Personal memo] Reading a file using BufferedReader

FileReader is a method that reads character by character. Let's improve the processing efficiency by using BufferingFilter!

package practice1;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;

public class Read {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		//FileReader=Movement to read character by character
		//BufferedReader=Read a certain number, accumulate, and release when accumulated (usually line by line)
		FileReader fr=null;
		BufferedReader br=null;
		//Declared outside the try method so that the close process can be performed in the finally method.
		//If declared in the try method and close in the finally method()Attempting to duplicate local variables.

		try {
			fr=new FileReader("c:\\work\\filetest.txt");
			//C in advance:Create a filetest file in the work folder created in and use it in the following process
			br=new BufferedReader(fr);
			//Combine the functions of reading and storing and releasing!

			String brLine=br.readLine(); //By assigning to brLine, it can be output correctly after reading one sentence.
			while(brLine!=null) {

		}catch(IOException e) {
			e.printStackTrace(); // //A class that displays error details in red on the console
			//System.out.println("A read / write error has occurred");

		}finally { //try-The finally method that is always executed at the end no matter how the catch block works
			if(br!=null) {
				try {
				}catch(IOException e) {}//The contents can be empty, or an error message can be output.
			if(fr!=null) {
				try {
				}catch(IOException e) {}//The contents can be empty, or an error message can be output.

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