Python de BDD (in Lettuce)


With pip as usual.

$ pip install lettuce

Write a feature

You can change the extension to .feature, but it feels better to write it in the features directory. It seems that it also supports Japanese.


Feature: a cookie in a bug
  In order to eat a cookie
  I carry a bug

Scenario: simple test
  Given I have a bug
  Then a cookie exists in the bug

So, when you run lettuce, it will show you a template of the steps you need to write.


#You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lettuce import step

@step(u'Given I have a bug')
def given_i_have_a_bug(step):
    assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'Then a coookie exists in the bug')
def then_a_cookie_exists_in_the_bug(step):
    assert False, 'This step must be implemented'

Is there no pending ...?

Write Step

Create it with .py in the same directory as the feature you created. First of all, copy.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lettuce import step

@step(u'Given I have a bug')
def given_i_have_a_bug(step):
    assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'Then a coookie exists in the bug')
def then_a_coookie_exists_in_the_bug(step):
    assert False, 'This step must be implemented'

If nothing is done, everything will fail, so rewrite it like that.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lettuce import *
import sys
import bug #I will make it from now on

@step(u'Given I have a (.*)$')
def given_i_have_a_bug(step, arg):
    cls = getattr(sys.modules[arg], arg[0].upper() + arg[1:])
    world.__dict__[arg] = cls()
    assert world.__dict__[arg], arg + ' must be an instance'

@step(u'Then a cookie exists in the (.*)$')
def then_a_coookie_exists_in_the_bug(step, obj):
    assert world.__dict__[obj].cookie, arg1 + ' should return True'


Just run lettuce.


It's a little too shabby. .. ..

class Bug(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self.cookie = True


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