JSF2.3 new function summary
It is said that the master branch of JSF 2.3 was frozen on 1/27 and ready for release, so I summarized the changes from 2.2 in a list.
- CDI (Dependency Injection)
- JSF deliverable injection and EL resolution
- Injection into more JSF artifacts
- Deprecation of native @ManagedBean
- Support for @ManagedProperty of CDI
- Life cycle
- Addition of PostRenderViewEvent
- Network and Ajax
- WebSocket support
- Ajax calls for server processing
- Write javascript on the server after Ajax Response is completed
- Update multiple forms with Ajax
- Conversion and Validation
- Added class level validation
`<f: convertDateTime>`
Java 8 version Time support
- Java API
- UIData component supports UR Repeat's Iterable interface
- UIData component supports UR Repeat Map interface
- UIData component, UR Repeat self-made support
- Added default method T getWrapped () to FacesWrapper interface
- Component
- Freely arrangeable radio button components
- Added styleClass attribute to
`<h: column>`
- Added rowClass attribute to
`<h: dataTable>`
- Modelless UIRepeat iteration
- Automatic conversion with UISelectMany
- Constant import into EL namespace
- Officially recognize dynamic component tree operations as specifications
- View and Resources
- Basic support for mapping to URLs without extensions
- Get all View resource lists
- Standardize acquisition / update of resource drawing status
- Load resources for dynamic components added with ajax
- Type safety
- Added type argument to ExternalContext # getInitParamterMap
- Added type argument to Converter / Validator interface
- jsf.js, javax.faces, postback parameter constants
- Settings
- Default not to hot reload Facelets in production environment
- Added .xhtml extension to default mapping
What's new in JSF 2.3? - Arjan Tijms' Weblog